I konw you can raed tihs

Did you konw taht poelpe raed wrdos as a wolhe and as lnog as the fsirt and lsat lteters are corcert yuor biarn can raed the wrod?

I tihnk tihs is the cloeost tinhg EEVR. But it deos tkae a bit lngeor to tpye. :smiley:

Try it you will be azaemd. (suptid wrosd wtih trehe or less lteters look nrmoal :stuck_out_tongue: )

Smaeul Pretr Dnun :stuck_out_tongue: < taht lokos so fnuny

P.S. tihs was my 123rd psot, waht a cool nmuebr

That is very cool! Whoops, I mean, taht is qiute cool!

crteinaly, I raed erveyhtnig wohle! I dnot raed prtas of wrdos do I?

i amsolt mdae a terahd lkie tihs ocne but dndit

yeah, i agree, but i think we all got that way because people canā€™t spell and mess up words on the forum all the time. iā€™m definatly not saying iā€™m perfect, iā€™m just saying that iā€™ve read so many posts that it just irks me when people type like that.

Ecsuxe me trehe is no nmoarl wtrinig in tihs trhaed :stuck_out_tongue:

Tihs fnuny wrtinig gtes me erevy tmie :smiley:

This has been posted here oh so many times!!
use the sarceh!

Sorry i didnā€™t find anything until just now when i searched ā€œwrodā€. Some things are hard to search for. :frowning:

especially when MR is the top result for everything

I couldnā€™t read the thread title. What were you trying to say? Maybe Iā€™m not in one of the English fora.

Why couldnā€™t this forum have an ā€œauto-spell checker?ā€ Or ā€œSpell-correctorā€. That would be quewl. :sunglasses:

or maybe a ā€œspell-corrupterā€ for this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

i love reading stuff like this. one of my friends let me read a whole story that his sister wrote and it was awesome

Did you konw taht poelpe raed wrdos as a wolhe and as lnog as the fsirt and lsat lteters are corcert yuor biarn can raed the wrod?

I tihnk tihs is the cloeost tinhg EEVR. But it deos tkae a bit lngeor to tpye. :smiley:

Try it you will be azaemd. (suptid wrosd wtih trehe or less lteters look nrmoal :stuck_out_tongue: )

Yeah! but some of us see words scrambled up like that normally being, dyslexic. Iā€™ve spent years learning to sort out what you, unfortunate non-dyslexics, actually mean with your jumbled up letters and numbers. Know your starting to see things from my perspective! :slight_smile:

wow! I cnat bvilee taht tihs auctcluay wrkos!

Vrey cool dsocirvey!

It doesnā€™t work when you speak the words out lout

i didnt even notice that it was messed until i read to like the 2 sendtence