I just gave a girl a piggy pack ride!

That was fun–never did that before.
I once, years ago, rode on another guy’s shoulders, but never actually tried to unicycle with someone on me.
Suprisingly, my unicycle actually held up, despite the fact that the cranks are mostly being held to the hub with glue.

Anyway, I was wondering what the best way to start is–I could only do it with 2 big guys helping to hold me steady while she climbed on, and then holding me steady until I got some momentum moving forward.

And as a side note, that girl put a heck of a lot of trust into a stranger–I think if I was an 18 year old girl and someone I’d never met before unicycled up to me and asked me to jump on their back while they were on a unicycle, I’d be a bit more hesitant.

someone told me riding on shoulders is easier than on back–is this true? I didn’t want to try shoulders without a helmet, but back seemed to work okay…

Shoulders or back?

Doesn’t matter, as long as she was cute.

Very much so.

did you get her number?

get the digits!

I’ve had a similar situation happen before. A girl wanted to have a go on it and didn’t have much success, then she said she wanted to have a go while I was on it. I quoted Kris Holm and said “This is just a one person unicycle” but I somehow got convinced into doing it (shoulder ride not piggy back).

I would crouch down and let the person climb onto my shoulders. Then you can stand up, freemount and eliminate the need for 2 big guys. As long as you are confident in your freemounting otherwise you could use a wall. I’ve used this method a few times for small children who wanted rides. I’d say shoulders is easier than back cos it keeps your center of balance over the unicycle. If you fall let the unicycle go and land on your feet evenly if possible- dropping a passenger would not be a good look.

Re: I just gave a girl a piggy pack ride!

I think that it fits under that category of, “too strange to not trust.” It’s the same as a magician asking to borrow your watch to hit with a hammer. Just by them asking, you assume that they know what they are doing.