I was unicycling at this apartment building in the parking lot because they have a really cool wall thing, and they kicked us out and talking about fines becasue youre not allowed to bike or skate, (there was no sign that said so) So my question is can you really get a fine for unicycling in a no skating, no biking marked area?
i would say no. if it said no bikes your ok. but if it said something like no cycling then you would get in trouble. but for a unicycle you can really go anywhere, by law your considered a pedestrian, riding in a vehicle that cannot create a skid mark or something like that.
why did you create the same thread twice?
you can say anything… unicycle means one wheel bicycle means 2 wheels and it cannot make a skid mark and if your on a regular uni then it does not have a chain either
When someone posts twice don’t give the same answer in both threads.
Please kill this one and reply in the other thread.
stabs thread with ice pick
So you would stab someone with an ice pick for a forum post, but not defend your life from a violent criminal. Interesting.
oh, i didnt mean to make two
how do you kill it?
To “kill” a thread just means that no one posts in it.
i said stab the thread not a person.
and must we argue this here? i thought there was a thread for the purpose of debating this.
Cops can try to do whatever they want, they’re the authority. But unless there is a sign that specifies unicycling, I say go for it!!
Stick it to the man, man!
EDIT just don’t, you know, damage any property. Ride there all you want, but don’t do anything bad.