I have a questionnnnn

I was unicycling at this apartment building in the parking lot because they have a realy cool wall thing, and they kicked us out and talking about fines becasue youre not allowed to bike or skate, (there was no sign that said so) So can you really get a fine for unicycling in a no skating, no biking marked area? :thinking:

no way! you can argue that it is not a bike because unicycle meanse one wheel and bicycle means 2 wheels so you can deffinitly argue that:D

usually if theres a sign for no biking you can go in but will often get kicked out. if someone says to leave id usually just do it cuz if they own it you can get in trouble.

Well the legal definition of a bicycle varies from state to state. But regardless of where you are you fall into a big gray hole so trying to argue that a unicycle is not a bikeand you can do what you please, just makes you the obnoxious jerk and increases your chances of them actually calling the police and trying to find you. It’s private property. They can tell you not to unicycle regardless of the law. Whether they can actaully cite you based on the no bicycling/skating civic ordinance is questionable, but the cop would probably still write the citation and you’d have to take it up with a judge and go through a huge hassle. And unicycling still falls under the intent of the law reagrdless of whether it’s included in the precise legal definition. So if they tell you not to ride there, don’t ride there, it’s that simple.

I’m trying to keep this all to one thread.

It’s not the cops that told her not to, it’s someone at the apartment building. It’s private property. If the cops did show up and the owner pushed they coudld still get her for trespassing or loitering.

Even on public property they can still get you for disrupting traffic or public endangerment.

When some one asks you not to ride somewhere, especially on their property you’re best to just comply.