I Hate The Olympics!

now i cant watch any quality television for the next two weeks.

anyone else with me?

no i am fine with the Olympics as long as i don’t see this guy.


Is there a such thing as “quality television”? I don’t think so.

I don’t really watch TV anyway.

Try not watching ANY TV for two weeks, and then see how much you actually miss it! You’ll be surprised!

I’m with you. Who would want to watch as cultures from all over the world interact peacefully in a competitive spirit? Why would one want to watch some of the most dedicated athletes in the world perform the most Herculean feats if it interferes with knowing what small animal Paris Hilton is wearing as an accessory this week? Are we going to miss Dancing with the Stars and the Donald Trump show? At least network shopping will still be going strong.

NBC has something else you would ordinarily watch instead?

If you look closely enough you might even see Chinese police beating and jailing dissenters in the background!

I quite agree.

I am enjoying women’s indoor volleyball as I type this. A sport I would otherwise give no thought to, but which during the Olympics gives me great pleasure.

not me. love them (and in HIGH DEF)

is it the outfits? you nasty boy!

are americans allowed to bring video cameras? can the tapes be submited as evidence when the defendants claim police injustice?

when the police started a riot at the Democratic Convention in Chicago 1968, it was televised. when the police did thesame thing at the republican convention in nyc several years ago, it was not televised.

fortunately, citizens with cameras got all charges dismissed, and led to an investigation of the police.

The girls are TOO big :stuck_out_tongue:

I like some sports… but is boring to watch some stuff… And all the news just talk about olympics…

Here in Brazil it’s just soccer and soccer and soccer on olympics… All the news just says how the players are going… SUCKS!

mm well most of the television in AUSTRALIA isnt those trashy hilton shows.

i just have a few weekly watches that are being interupted and find rather
disturbing. :slight_smile:

dont have anything against the people in the olympics.

maybe i should rename this thread:


Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

**watching some rowing right now.

There’s not a whole lot on that I want to see anyway. And I haven’t watched a single minute of the Olympics yet.

I’m not too big into sports anyway. I’d rather do something that’s fun than to watch somebody else do it. I’d rather do something that’s sort of fun than to watch somebody else do something that’s a lot of fun, for that matter.

How to design a logo.








As long as I don’t miss the table tennis finals, I will be fine.


I love it. Finally we get some Soccer action on Telly!


I didn’t recognise you there for a minute.

Where have ya been lad??!?

I like how the Chinese helps their people reach their potential. If I was Chinese, I would go to school and work hard. And if I’m real good, they might let me take care of the Pandas!!!
