so, i’m riding downtown on the uni and a tour bus full of ppl passes. i guess i decided that the coolest thing to do would be a upd down a flight of stairs (all the way down with the uni bouncing right behind me). i get up to dust myself off and i notice an errie silence and a lot of pain. i broke my month old 4 gig ipod nano , both my hands are on top of a broken miller bottle, and my left shin has a long gash in it. as i’m ridin on river street in savannah, GA back to my car (where i ALWAYS keep the first aid kit), people are staring at me like i’m an evil bloody clown. i got myself patched up (lots of blood, but definaltly not hospital worthy cause i don’t have health insurance) and drove home to find that my 661’s and my gloves have arrived safely on my doorstep. anyone else have days like this?
Never had something that bad, but yesterday i tried pedal grabbing on a wall, but leaned too far into it and toppled right over the wall, it hurt so bad but i couldnt stop laughing about it lol
wow…that sucks, to say the least…
why would you purposely UPD anyway?
It’d be more impressive to actually pull a cool trick
UPD = unplanned dismount
you just said: “why would you purposely unplanned dismount anyway?”
How can someone plan to do something that is unplanned?
Planning is deciding to do something beforehand, is it not?
could you not do something in a split second of decision?
Acting on instinct isn’t really planning something anyway.
I took that original quote to be a “tongue in cheek” joke. It is difficult sometimes to tell in writing. Maybe the author could enlighten us as to the meaning of: “i guess i decided that the coolest thing to do would be a upd down a flight of stairs”
P.S. In case you can’t tell, I’m writing this post in humor. As designated by:
hmm, on second thought, you’re right, it was definatly the uni that decided to push me down the stairs. gravity might have had it’s hand in the matter as well. but either way, it wasn’t the trick i had envisioned. sorry for the confusion. lol.
uh-huh…i wish my unicycle was sentient…just not as malevolent as yours
Kinda sorta, but you can still make a good day out of a stinker if you keep your head up!
I took a 1 1/4 hr train ride up to “the city” (San Francisco) to do some urban trials with my homey Bevan. I had my armor and gloves in my backpack and was riding my uni from the train station to our meeting spot when I came across a little concrete box that looked perfect for some warm-up hops. I was too excited to stop and put on my armor so I just ditched the backpack and went for it.
Sure enough, my first attempt ended up in me dragging my shin across the lip of the box. I spent the next 10 minutes patching myself up (no first aid kit… i used duct tape and napkins as a make-shift bandaid) while passers-by saw me sitting on the box, next to my uni, with a bloody shin. I covered the bandages with my armor and went on my way, ignoring the sting as sweat dripped into my wounds.
I didn’t let the injury get me down… the rest of the day was a load of fun, even though I UPDed a bunch (into mud and water on two occasions), we got chased away by security guards, and I broke my favorite handle. We hit a lot of killer lines and even enjoyed some fresh strawberries from the farmer’s market
If you concentrate on the bad, then that’s all you’ll see… if you disregard the bad then all you’ll see is good, happy fun!
so maybe i’m just bad luck on a uni. a guy rear ended someone today on my ride to work cause he was watchin me ride across the road. it wasn’t really bad, but both of the cars were towed. although, as maestro8 implied, looking on the bright side, i landed my first 180 uni spin (not what caused the wreck btw.)