I would like to add that I have always thought that tabbed browsing is overrated. Just buy a cool widescreen monitor like me–then you can have a bunch of little programs open in your taskbar without running out of space; alternately, you can change the size of the taskbar by clicking and dragging the top of it up.
I’ve been using Opera (don’t know what version, the latest i think) and my biggest problem is that google doesn’t like it and makes alot of gmail features not work in it, so I use IE for my gmail. The thing I like about opera is it has alot of things semi-built in, but it’s not a huge browser, like you can set up nicknames for your favorites, and then just type that name into the address bar and it brings the favorite up. It also has some gestures built into it also, which I mostly just use for back and forward. I know I can probably do that with Firefox or Mozilla, but I didin’t feel like taking the time. I found this http://operalover.tntluoma.com/day_1_general_preferences and it helped me to get used to the basic opera stuff, and it let’s you know all of the nice little things about it. I’m probalby going to try the new IE when it comes out, but I’d perfer not to use firefox, just because.
and i just figured out, if you hold down the right clicky thingy on your mouse and press the left one it goes back a page, and if you hold down left click and tap the right click button it goes forwards a page.
I’ve tried the beta verison of IE7 and it’s copying the good features of FF. I use IE most of the time b/c I usually program pages to display correctly in IE and there are certain javascript methods I use that I know only work in IE, and I am too lazy to make a page display correctly in most other browsers. This laziness sort of explains why some people say that some pages look weird with FF.
I am having the same problems you are, plus the fact that I have to open certain things up in IE to download links, its all rather annoying, still with no tabs in IE I can never go back to it.
I have none of those on my Firefox …
the only things is when sites are messed up with wrong javascript then firefox doest not accept faulty javascript.
I am also jumpy with sites that declare faulty charset (microsoft tools pretending to be ISO8859-15 and aren’t)
Pretty much. If you coded your pages to follow W3C standards they would actually display fine in nearly all browsers. Until then, your pages might get ignored by people who can’t see/read them.
My favorite thing about Firefox is that it displays things exactly the same between its Windows and Mac versions, to the extent of the testing I’ve done. You don’t generally get this. Plus if you code your pages to work on Firefox it seems to cover nearly all the bases with the other major browsers. Coding for IE is going to always be a mistake unless Microsoft someday decides to be interested in compatibility with other browsers, rather than thinking the world should be compatible with them.
My slashes work too. Not sure what’s up with that bug. Maybe there’s a way to type them in by character entity? Like holding down Alt and typing 0153 on your numeric keypad in Windows for a trademark symbol. I think I have noticed the copy/paste bug as well, but not realized it was a Firefox problem.
Truly, if those bugs are things that stop you frequently it’s time to consider the pros & cons of the other browsers out there. Microsoft no longer makes a browser for the Mac, so I don’t have to make excuses for not using IE anymore. Camino is pretty good; fast and low memory but no-frills. But FF works fine for me.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… RAM is cheaper than bottled water. If you’ve got memory complaints, upgrade! If one app is dogging on your system (there are many offenders worse than FF), it’s likely that others will as well, and your “multi-tasking” abilities are hog-tied… a small investment in hardware yields a big savings in time!
I’m not having any problems with slashes, but I am with copy and paste. I run FF on three boxes (Win2K + WinXP) and its behavior is the same on all three. The copy and paste bug, to me, seems inexcusable… it is functionality that everyone needs, and I use it quite often (when it works)… how can it be left in through so many versions? It is quite aggravating when I lose connectivity with the system clipboard, and there’s nothing that’ll tip me off to the loss, just that I have to restart / reboot / something to finish my task. Yuck.
One big plus that FF has over IE (and correct me if I’m wrong) is the amazing range of plugins available, all for free. I’ve got the local weather forecast in my status bar, and scrolling live bookmarks in a toolbar. I’ve got plugins to block ads and customize web pages to my liking, plugins to “linkify” and “searchify” URLs and keywords on web pages, a plugin to automate and manage downloads, as well as plugins that get me through most “registration required” sites without typing in a single bit of info. This stuff rocks! It’s like I’ve got my own personal power-browser that gives me the web the way I want it!
For the uninitiated, this can be one’s first experience of “web developer hell”. My condolences, John. Whatever MS thinks they’re doing, they’re hurting the community of web developers through inconsistency… Mac IE and Windows IE, version for version, do not treat web pages equally. Granted, they’ve got the basic tags down, but once you use fancy techniques such as layering or scripting, you’re in for a world of hurt.
One company I worked for had to develop two sets of web pages and buy some server-side software to serve up different pages based on the visitor’s platform. Yikes! All because MS can’t play nice with the rest of the world… I’m glad to hear the Mozilla developers are acting professionally and following standards.
The “/” bug is a weird one. I has happened a couple of times to me and on different computers. But it’s not very common in my experience. Just very weird when it happens.
I didn’t try working around the bug using alt keys or copying the “/” from notepad. It was easy enough just to switch over to IE at that point to write the forum reply.
You must be talking about IE 5.2.3 for the Mac, copyright 1995-2001? Like I said, they don’t make a Mac browser anymore, or in other words, they’ve stopped developing IE for the Mac. But it was still better than Safari at rendering lots of pages, but that’s another story…
More companies than you think. Like Intel. Complex navigation systems often have two or (usually) more separate versions, with browser sniffers to tell your browser which one to use. Massive Javascript or other code-load overhead!
i stopped using IE on my xp about 2 months ago? something like that, and i found firefox to be the sh*t for lack of a better word, i loved it compared to IE. In the last 3 days i’ve converted from firefox to opera, and i found opera to be even better, i love opera and i’m never going back.
however there is one thing i do prefer about IE, and that it is so simple.
I had to do this recently for a site I was designing because IE and FF render their images differently. It was a pain in the ass making two different stylesheets and positioning the images differently.
If you use the “search as you type” feature the ‘/’ won’t start the search, but sometimes the search just starts and I’m unable to type anything before I’ve restarted the browser.
If you can’t decide between FireFox and IE, there’s an plugin that enables you to open an IE browser in a tab in FireFox.
Nooooooooooooo, Dam you! Just as i was going to stand up for firefox and defend it as the best browser avaliable, Something like this happens!
I have used firefox with no problems, whatsoever for six months. As soon as i read this thread i cant type an apostrophe without the search bar comming up!