well i went into this place called jupiter house, its a college kid hangout. and my dad loves these things called “wheat grass shots” well it sounded cool and i wanted to try it. so my dad orders me and my friend one. my freind took a whif and gave it back to my dad, i thought heck hes my dad ill like it to right. so i take, and slam down the drink. DONT EVER TRY THESE THEY ARE AS NASTY AS A ROTTEN FISH!!! i gagged for 35 minutes cause it tasted so bad. and well yah that ws it.
Do you know what was in this wheat grass shot? Don’t tell me it was wheat grass!
I had a ramen noodle + 151 shot once.
It sounded like a great idea during the minutes leading up to the actual consumption, but as soon as the 151-saturated chicken-flavored noodles touched my skin I realized how bad of an idea it was.
Have you guys ever had ouzo and caper juice? Those are pretty bad, or although its not so bad initialy (it still tastes horrible but not as bad as the ouzo and capers) ouzo instead of rum in a pinia colada is absolutely horrible. I had this once two years ago and the thought of it still makes me feel sick.
…what was in it?
-I- like them… Not straight though. They’re good mixed with other things if you work out what would go good with them. Plus, pretty decent energy later.
I was just in Singapore. The Singapore Sling has to be the vilest mixed drink I’ve yet come across. I couldn’t get through one, and needed a couple single malts to recover.
Second on the list would have to be Bundaberg Rum. Drinkable with enough ice, as long as you don’t make the mistake of think that it’s actually rum.
Smoothie/heathfood stores sell them all over the place. I know a few people that drink a few every day. It’s a great and cheap alternative to evil mind controlling caffiene and the ever apparent and all too awful HIGHFRUCTOSECORNSYRUP!!! I don’t like them, and I think they ruin smoothies, but I’ve seen everyone from buisnessmen/women to distance bikers become religiously addicted to their 75cent fix every day.
bundaburg rum is only good when mixed with coke i like malibu white rum more tho i dunno why i think i’m gay