I had my ultrasound today!

It’s a boy!!!

Just kidding.

I couldn’t actually make anything out of the weird black and white scrambles on the screen, but the doctor basically said that one of the lines on the left and one of the lines on the right were both the same tendon, and the fact that they’re not connected to each other is why my ankle’s swollen. So, he injected some cortizone in it and told me to call him if it’s not better.
And it does feel better. Which is cool, because it’s been swollen for 5 weeks now.
So, I’m happy.

Re: I had my ultrasound today!

do we get to see the pics?

You want pics of the ultasound or of the ankle?
I only have pics of the ankle…
This is the one I took within a few minutes of falling…right after I pulled my shoe off realized it might be a bit more than a minor strained muscle. Luckily, I happened to have my camera with me.

What the hell happened? Was it uni related?


I went down 4 steps on my uni.
The day I got my new wheel…I was side hopping down one step at a time, and 2 or 3 steps from the bottom, I fell. Don’t know how, but it hurt.

the ultrasound pics would’ve been kewl
this is pretty scarily impressive tho

that’s not luck, that’s subconscious planning
either that or u’ve just been hanging out on this (borderline voyeuristic) forum for too long now

hope it heals soon and well

hey , now thats a nice sprain…

I used to get those ALOT as a kid.
Seemed that every time I got one healed, I’d get another.

Didn’t that turn a nice color of purple and red …?
(… and a kewl crunchey noise when it happened …?)

Mine did… I’d rupture so many blood vessles too …

I finally had strong ankles when I reached high school.
(or I have some really tuff tendons, from scarring)

My ankles are now large and boney. (hehe)

Yup, I burst a blood vessel as well, and my toes turned dark blue, my heel reddish-purple, and the rest of my foot spotted blue.
First and only injury I’ve ever had. Never been to hospital before.

Betcha the worst part is that all the socks you put on that foot have the elastic stretched and won’t fit right anymore… : )
