I gotsded…I mean got…my scooter and it rocks! The only thing that sucks is that it’s really rainy today like the stupid weather man said, so no riding today. Wait, I forgot about the garage!
please tell me it’s not pink
I bet its red…
What no picture?
You’re slacking Tyler.
I gotsded a pitcher! Yay!!!
I don’t get it.
What’s the other wheel for?
Mine is faster …
yeah but he tyler can turn his and actually live afterwards, plus your back wheels are a bit small…
oh my god i want that fucken scooter the jusnck one not the new one
I’m being silly … just a photo I saw and had to stick in this topic
My humor is scewed
You gotta love the “anti wheelie weights” on the front of that monster.
Cool thing with a nitrus oxide thingy too.