I Got It

YES i learned how to ride one footed, i finally got some time to learn and i got it down, haha CAW leanred how to ride one footed with in a year!! YES! wooo oh man now i have to learn to wheel walk


Congratulations!! Now you just have to learn the other foot… And then with the foot extended… :wink:

p.s this should probaly go in rsu

even though this thread is an acceptable one for RSU, JC threads dont require the same scrutiny. thus, its okay to post rsu worthy threads in jc, but not vice-versa. by posting something uni related in jc though, one cannot expect the same amount or quality of information in the responses.

Exactly! When I first saw this thread, I was going to say something silly (simply because it’s JC). But I had already reached my quota for the day.

By the way, do you know how to create a gallery or post pictures in a gallery? *

    • People, don’t answer that. It’s sort of an inside joke.

