I get no sound from my computer

I cannot get sound when I play videos or music…

Any ideas?

Take it back to Walmart. That’s what happens when you buy chinese junk.

Did you try the little mute button on the task bar…?

make sure the volume is on
try restarting it
your soundcard could be shot

is it a desktop or a laptop?

Did the sound work before?

Reinstall the sound drivers.

Check Windows audio properties, make sure you have the right sound device selected.

You must be an A++ Computer Technician.

Guys, this guy knows his stuff guys.

Get some speakers.

I get no respect from my computer.

Maybe your speakers came unplugged.

Turn up the volume so once the sound starts warking you poop yourself.

I had a friend do that to me once.

I didn’t flinch though, and I said to him, “Do you know my tuner doesn’t have any fuses in it, if you blew my speakers you would be buying me new ones”.

I was too lazy to buy new fuses one day, so I just stuck a piece of wire where the fuses go. Good thing he only turned it up about 5 notches.

Plug some headphones and see if those work. If they do, then you probably have the same problem I have (something messed up with the sound card or the thing you plug the speakers into). I’ve tried various different speakers with the computer and none of them worked, but the sound through headphones works fine.

Put your videos or music in the computer’s CD or DVD drive, not your VCR/CD/DVD player(s) attached to your TV/Stereo system.

Maybe your ears are clogged.

I didn’t know Billy had a bathtub big enough for a junk!

maybe: doubleklick on the speakerbutton on the right of the taskbar and then turn everything up

Check to make sure your ears are still on.

He probably has a virus and can’t connect to the internet now either. He really should quite going to “those” sites.

I quite!

Damn. I was just about to give you grief for misspelling quit.:o