see the post above your and that is where I got my bike in the US
Seriously, how can you be proud of being part of the Canada? That loser country who doesnt need to be in the war to lose soldiers and when they go help another country in the desert, the soldier wear GREEN THINGS. Also, I wouldn’t be surprise if one day, Harper decide to tell the world that he is gay.
You make a good point but at the end of the day i rest easy by knowing that im not French
People from Quebec aren’t French: they’re Québecois.
P.S. I haven’t ridden my bike in at least six months.
That the best sentence I have ever seen
i has a crap to i love it mines single speed though anlong with some other stuf o and this
Hah one of my french teachers always made us say that. We weren’t aloud to call les Qebecois (wtf alt 130 sends me to the main page) french.
I have actualy just bought a fixer upper. I don’t really know what I want to do with it. I want to do some flatland, but dirt jumping looks like some fun. I think it will all depend on whether or not I get the damn thing working.
i’ve got a Norco Sasquatch, singlespeed road bike with a flat bar, a little kids bike to mess around on and my latest creation, a tall bike
i will try to post pics
That stem looks awfully long (130mm?)… You should consider getting something shorter and gettind rid of the spacers.
How do you like the pista? How are the wheels holding up?
here, and here, for used trials bikes look in here (don’t tell people you uni).
I have an 05 Zoo! pitbull stock trials bike.
why it fits perfict and its amazeing there realy not shit like everyone seas and it only cost me like 80$
My two:
Trek 930 (1997, I think):
And my fixie (dumpster bike three speed dissected and brought back to life):
durnit, pics didn’t seem to work for me. for all sorts of bike and uni pics.
Woah, the head angle on that old school Trek looks slacker than my DH bike.
i put more money into unis then bikes… i have a $80 bike from walmart next to my coker and my torker dx:p
It’s kinda funny because my mom didn’t allow me to get bicycles after my learner bike from when I was 6. She thinks they’re dangerous and I might cycle on the road and stuff. But she’s fine with my getting unicycles though…
I had a great MTB ride today… I wished I had brought my muni too, but biking really is fun, too. The whole speed aspect is where it’s at.
I have a '97 Kona Lava Dome w/ Rockshox Indy C front suspension. I haven’t ridden it in about 3 or 4 years now.