hey im teaching my sister how to ride. i havent introduced her to the forums yet cause im teachin her what i know first. I hope my pupil actually learns so im not the only one on my street to know how to uni. man I feel so good. i think shes gonna e as good as me soon shes learnin fast and all you guys should teach at least on person how to uni, it would make the sport alot more fun because you have people to talk to about uniing, i havent posted here in a while and i know i sound kinda lame but thios sport would be more fun to have someone to share it with. You guys im if you want, my sn is Unimaniac57 right guys im out to uni!
Yo I hear ya man, I got 2 unicycling friends, and it’s pretty cool, lots of other people try it, and a few are progressing, but due to lack of them having one readily available I think they don’t do it all that much.
At our chuch auction I sold unicycle lessons for 50 bucks, and the first one will be this sunday. I’m planning on teaching her till she can ride it, so I don’t know how many lessons that’ll be, and i’ll also let her borrow a uni, so it should be cool.
yea man thats rad, your also makeing a bit of money
“Always there are two of them: A master, and an Apprentice.”
“But which one UPD’d, the master, or the apprentice?”
Always two there are, no more no less. A master and an apprentice.
One of my little brothers can unicycle now and one of my friends to. It’s fun teaching people, especially those hwo are determined to learn and doesn’t just say “this will never work”.
cool , my friend is teaching me right now and his whole family does it, and its a huge family! the dad and the mom and the older brother and younger one and younger one and my friend and his little sister its crazy. and so yeah hes teaching me. and i bet he feels good casue im making progress
whoa thats kinda wierd a whole famly that unicycles its kinda cool to