For a while now, I have noticed something. It didn’t happen to much at first, but now I see it it in a lot of threads within the first few pages of all areas of this forum.
I will go to a thread, a simple question is asked, a few people post trying to help, then one post comes along that answers it completely. Thread solved, right? I wish.
After that post, there are continuing posts of answers that make no sense, and are so very wrong, when the right answer was stated just above.
Also, I see threads now, with the discussion going on, and then, a random post, that is just so out of place, giving wrong information and advice.
Are people even caring to read anymore before they post?
If you want to go fast ride with the balls of your feet on your pedals, but if your going to be doing drops then use your arches or else you will roll your ankles.
People should just read the thread before they post though, even just skim through it, that way they can see if the subject has been answered, what has already been mentioned, and what is being talked about.
Seriously. Do you see this happening as much on Rec.Sport?
Or really on JustConversation?
Would you be willing to name a few such threads?
I’m sure you’re talking about the religious and political, where I post the correct answer, but then people continue to post with complete nonsense, right?
I don’t really consider that a bad thing. If nothing else, it at least re-affirms a previous statement, thereby making it more plausible. In some cases, the second answer was the correct one.
I think it’s just a fall out of JC/RSU turning into a chat room rather than a discussion board. It used to take a long time, even for a regular contributor, to hit a 1000 or more posts. Many that to be in the top 30 in post count are way back since Post Explosion.
Now people are over 3000 and 10,000 in no time at all. We’ve also got members with average daily post counts in the mid to high teens. I realize a lot of those posts go in MR but it looks like we just got two more potential Perpetual Threads (Last One to Post and First to Get to 100). How many do we need?
It’s great that everyone wants to contribute but there is so much “noise” in here. I suggest a posting moratorium. Pick a daily limit (outside of MR) and make each post count. Make them Funny or Informative.
I dont think I am, nor am I really taking it all too seriously either. Did you miss my first two posts in here? lol
I dont think it really re-affirms the subject, in some cases it does, but not too many.
Not too long ago, there was a thread, new guy asking for a good trials uni. He gets told the answer and pros and cons of all the trials unis, and what would be the better choice to make. After that post, about 15 other posts were made, talking about weaker unicycles, unicycles not even made for trials/street, and all of those posts over took the real answer. The OP ended up buying one of the inferior unicycles, not even made for much abuse. Sucketh.