I changed the forum's CDN

I changed the forum’s CDN from Stackpath, which recently increased their monthly price from a flat 12$ to a flat 33$, to Bunny, which is pay-as-you-go.

It should be transparent and hopefully I configured things right. Please report any issue you could come across (broken internal links, images not displaying, resources not loading, etc).

The banner will be shown on the forum for a few days but is dismissible.


Wow, I can report the pictures load way faster for me since the change.


Unexpected improvements are the best kind!


I didn’t expect it would increase performances (I expected roughly the same), but if it did, good for us :slight_smile:
@hillin, which country do you live in?

I live in China. Actually I had to use VPN to view the pictures before (I can view the site without a VPN, but also without pictures). Now not only I have direct access to them, they are also blazingly fast!

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The maps of Stackpath and Bunny PoPs’ (Points of Presence) locations from their website:



But the number of PoP and their location probably aren’t the only factor to serve assets quickly. I don’t know anything about this kind of stuff. As long as it works well and it’s not unnecessarily expensive, that will do :slight_smile:


That’s awesome and very good to know, thanks for the info! Glad it was a direct benefit to you :slight_smile:

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By pinging cdn.unicyclist.com I get a few different IPs from Russia. They are quite good in latency.

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What kind of worker are you, if you don’t mind me asking? Speaking of “pinging” makes me think Information technology worker.
There seems to be a lot of science/technology/engineering/mathematics type Unicyclists for some reason.

On another subject…
BTW, thanks @Canapin for all you do running this forum :+1::+1:

I am overdue buying you more coffees :grin:


Yeah I am a software engineer, aka programmer. I also find there are a suprisingly good amount of programmers among unicyclists, guess maybe it’s because they are both geeky in a common way.


Can confirm, am Canadian, was changed.