I was ridin my 24 today, Im still not really supposed to cause i busted my foot and my parents said I cant ride till june 1st(thats when we get insurance again) an I did a roll hop on flat ground and when I landed I bent the livin crap out of my pedal, it was a plastic but still. I dont know if its a good thing i can jump high enough on flat ground to bgend that crap out of it, or since ive been on a couple of non ridin injury streches my wieght was just too much and bent it…I havnet done any dops on these pedals cause the first time i used them i did a couple o ghetto rigged grinds in my yard and busted my foot, so maybe they are just super cheasy…What do you think?
What pedals were they? Some of the plastic pedals use a wimpy spindle that wouldn’t be all that hard to bend.
The strength has to do with the diameter of the spindle, the type of steel used, and how it’s heat treated. Some pedals are made with a small diameter spindle, cheap steel and little or no heat treating. Those pedals are easy to bend.
They were cheap plastics from the bike shop, they were usually used for mountain bike, but these things are cheassy!