I can't believe what I'm getting!


There is a girl who works at Mrs Sofa’s store.

She plays guitar.

She picked somehting up at a yardsale.

so what am I getting?

Banjo Lessons


cool, hey did you know about banjo.com? it’s run by the people who run unicycle.com and has a bunch of banjo stuff, it even has violins, but I already got one off ebay and i’m getting lessons for that soon also. Have fun and get good, you’ll be riding and playing in no time : )


i told u this change of name was goign to do u no good
can u imagine SOFA ever thinking about banjo lessons?!?
i think not


ps. this means we’ll need to revisit a long running discussion of ours cause there’s no way u can play that thing straight

I play guitar in a bluegrass band called the Black River Ramblers. We have a fantastic Banjo player. We play alot of festivals and coffee houses in our area. The parking lot picking is the most fun though.

Maybe you could eventually learn to play while riding a unicycle.


Don’t worry, deep down I’m still Sofa. I’m sure as soon as I learn to play a few tunes very crappily, I will be ordering a $1200 Banjo.

I’m not really that interested in becoming good, but trying one out would be cool. (I remember saying that after seeing KH on tv :frowning: )

You know…this is getting weird…I’m getting banjo lessons aswell… Well you live nearby (in a far awar kinda way) So we’ll be able to jam at the next TOque games…pretty weird huh?

Brian went down to T.O.
He was looking for his other wheel
And he was in a bind
‘Cause he couldn’t yet grind
And was willin’ to make a deal.

When he came upon this young man playing
a banjo and playin’ it hot
Brian gapped over to a hickory
stump and said,
"Murde let me tell you what:

I bet you didn’t know it
but I’m a banjo player too,
And if you care to take a dare
I’ll make a bet with you
Now you play a pretty good banjo boy
But give Brian his due
I’ll bet a banjo of gold against your ride
'Cause I think I’m better than you."

That’s quite (ie. very) possible but I’m pretty sure I could still keep up with you for most of the ride at N-y. So I guess we’ll just have to see. (although I strongly doubt that I will win the bet and also, if I loose, where do I find a banjo of gold?)

It’s the best think that will ever happen to you.

Trust me.

What’s with the bano and the unicycle attraction?