i can cube now

i learned yesterday

you posted a whole thread to say that? Why didn’t you just put it in the brag thread?

the brag thread is in RSU, and this is not unicycling stuff.
So yeah anyway that’s sweet, what is your time?

its like 5 minutes

I learned how to cube years ago. You just take all the stickers off and put them back on.

Ha ha ha, that’s about as original as “where’s your other wheel”.

Can you do this?

My best one handed time is 32 seconds…I’m not as good as I used to be though, these days I average about a minute for one handed.

That’s nothing.

Michel Gondry is a crazy guy…he did another video where he solved it with his feet, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-eZEDkFYFA&NR=1 I think its funny that he faked that one too, because I actually can solve one with my feet…


Lik omgz! Teh interwebs is goings to die. This suxz al teh roxzers evrywhere!


Sorry, didn’t realize you could only use the brag thread for Uni stuff.


i wish

I can cube a potato in under 30 seconds. Where do I compete? I’m sure I can win a medal or something…