I’m going to go with “sports.” It is a sports car.
I’m going to go with “sports.” It is a sports car.
Dude, those two pictures are of different cars, look at the spoiler and headlights.
the first one is photoshoped i didnt notice until dk pointed it out so they are the same car just the first one has some really good phtoshoping to it
I thought so. One is also really dropped, while the other is only dropped a little.
Actually I thought it was a pisspoor PS job.
It’s not good photoshopping if everyone else knows it’s photoshopped.
I contend it’s a crap p.s. job. If you look at the top right on the other car, you can see dropping on the lettering. They didn’t select too well. fools.
EDIT: it’s actually copy-moved down about 10 pixels and over like 5.
I’m a nerd.
ah,bordom strikes.
Strike Two
Looks like its got some texture too. Totally sweet.
I still think its a poopstange.
Yes a Pantera. Every auto entheusiast is familiar with that car. But why is a Pantera which has a Ford 351 Cleveland cool, and the new cobra, which has a supercharged Ford 351 not cool? Please don’t say looks.
what, the kris holm forgeries weren’t entertaining you enough?
I arrived at this thread a few days too late, after the answer had been given up. I could recognize a Pantera, but it was different from the ones I’ve seen. They originally came out in 1972 or so, which made them pretty cool for the time. This one is obviously newer.
Do you mean a Cobra Cobra, or the new Mustang Cobra? There’s a new verson of the a.c. Cobra out there too.
Let’s assume you mean the Mustang. If so, then because it’s a Mustang. Big deal. A pony car vs. a sports car. The new Mustangs look okay, but nothing special. They remond me mostly of the 1971 Fastbacks, which were heavy and huge.
I used to live in a (rental) house where the detached garage was rented by the owner of a beautiful 1966 Snelby Cobra GT350. That thing was a show car. He only took it out a half a dozen times a year, and those were mostly to car shows. He almost always brought back awards.
Sorry, pressed Edit instead of Quote again…
Uh, I mean Quote instead of Edit…
I got here too late too. Haven’t been on in over a week. But I knew it was a Pantera as well.