I bet everyone will look at this thread.

By saying that, it will actually do nothing to the outcome of replies. Some will look at it because it’s already known that everyone will look at it, and some will turn away just to prove me wrong. Either way it will get as many views as a neutral thread. Pointless isn’t it?

-Shaun Johanneson

I highly doubt it. Here’s why:
To look at this thread you have to browse unicyclist.com in some way. Unicyclist.com has got 14,470 members. The earth population is 6.6 billion. Assuming all the members will have a look at your thread(which won’t happen, btw; the guests that will look at it can count instead of the members that don’t log in anymore), you get a ratio of 1447:660000000. That’s the proportion of people that will look at your thread out of the earth population. That’s hardly everyone.

Now, stop creating useless threads and go film some movies! I’m serious.

Yeah, I agree with ivan about the movie part.

i guess some people are good at some things, others are good at other things…

Should we stick to these things or branch out and have a stab at others?

Ivan you could at least give him 5 for trying!


im guiltly of looking. I only looked cause im bored though, otherwise i would have been like “hhmmm, its says look, so i wont!”

i agree with you…

i ain’t lookin

hence your near perfect punctuation.

i don’t see a thing!! i can’t hear you either!! laaaaa-laaaaaa-laaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

I’ve all ready covered the fact that it isn’t everyone. I should have stated “views” though rather than replies. Everyone is not everyone. It’s more stating everyone that comes in visual contact with that title.

Middle of a project here, need better weather, should be done by friday. Don’t get on my case about movies (man you do not want to go there, all ready my footage is too old, and this is only a month, choppy, project), i’ve put out much more than i’ve seen in the past 7 months. lol

-Shaun Johanneson

do a 540 in your vid. And I only looked at this thread because shaun made it so I figured it might have some meaning. But it doesn’t.

In other words: everyone who will look at this thread will look at this thread?

Yay for the project! You’ll make a killer movie.
