I BANG with kapoute

title says everything…:stuck_out_tongue:


Geez, you’re not gonna last long around here…

Kapoute rocks. Kapoute 4 la vie. (does that translate?)

hum seriously?

I’m not sure if the OP knows what exactly ‘bang’ is slang for in American English…


original poster, perhaps?

Bang means : make something in the bed during the night…


Well, to put it simply…no one cares.

That’s hawt.

I shouldnt have shown to my girlfriend this website… rofl

ohhhhhh…i get it now…but i wish i didnt

Level 11, perhaps?

Lol, what was there not to get?

hey what is the website about level 11 or level 10 and a half?

There’s no website about it, we’ve just talked about it on the forums some.

one is reminded of that thread
“can you have sex on that thing?”


I like the ‘adults only’ part. Goes well with your ‘adult’ age. Does this mean you have not looked at it? because it probably isnt wise to be posting stuff you havnt viewed yourself, could get you an interesting reputation depending on the content.