And to think I figured the feminine definite article for the feminine noun, conversation, would be a clue that I wasn’t talking about you.
aawww we love you to bruce! you should come and hang out in MR with us… we are pretty cool
I meant to write
Sorry. I’ll try to slow down a little.
I’ll take all the praise I can get, even if misdirected.
Frankly, John, you are hands down the number one ranked provider of accurate and useful unicycle related information here. You need more than that?
And, yes, for the record, that was a compliment.
Never heard of 'em.
I know Bruce is a big guy but I don’t think it will take all of us to circle him.
But who’s counting?
Amen to that, Bruce…
The Just Conversation forum is so great. You said it well.
i much prefer JC to any other of the forums like RSU and shiz
coz its full of my kind of ppl the ones that arnt to serious
What him say?
Just in case Bruce:
A generational shout-out, nothing more.
His useful accurate information goes far beyond unicycling, to include politics, social commentary, and (if we include PMs), human sexuality.
He’s the SOURCE if you want to know.
And the other JCs are also really cool too, inlcuding this one that’s been getting all the kudos.
Funny, I like JC too, but I find threads like Who’s line and threadjacker to be boring real fast. And the funny pictures and jokes threads aren’t my faverites either…
The simple explanation of course is that you are far more mature than me.
Just COnversation!!!