I appologize...

Hi everyone,

I know I haven’t posted in forever, so I just wanted to start back up again by saying that I’m sorry for everything bad that I’ve done. I know I’ve started some bad threads and things, but if you’d forgive me I’d love to come back and start posting again. All of the disagreeing that went on before I left was totally stupid and silly, and I hope it won’t happen any more, and if so I think I’ll just ignore it and be nice about it. Sorry everyone!

-Tyler :slight_smile:


:frowning: :frowning: Is this everybody’s opinion? If so, all I can say is that I’m REALLY REALLY sorry and would like to try again.

Congratulations, you passed your first test by not flaming me. :slight_smile:

I think if you are a good little poster everyone will love you again.

Cool! Gilby, can you delete that FreestylerDude account, my friend made that to trick you guys into thinking I was new or something. Can you get that off, please? Anyway, thanks for “accepting” me! :smiley:

o man after reading his and then yours i LMAO that was so funny i god good job tyler lol :smiley:

starting to post again by apologizing isn’t really a great move. i’d kinda forgotten about all the crap you posted before, now it’s all flooding back. come back and post if you want but um, don’t post such random/worthless crap, and remember that 90% of these forums are adults and 99% are older than you.

Tyler you personally never pissed me off like at all so im glad your back,


Its all cool I have completley lost all hatred that I felt for you.I guess your alright

The only crap ever posted here is crap like this.

Why do you post such worthless crap, markf?

(After my recent run-in with maestro8, it’s obvious that subtlety can be easily missed. I’m using your words against you. Do you like it? Do you like how it feels?)

Tyler, it has been really bothering me that you were driven away and nobody seemed to care that we lost a member of our community. I cared, yet I was as silent as the rest of us. So, I’m sure many other people care, too. Things have “seemingly” gotten better here and I think people are afraid to say anything. But walking on egg shells is no way to live.

Tyler, you have nothing to apologize for. Nothing. You were attacked relentlessly by a bunch of goons. If posting “too many” threads causes this place to devolve into Lord of the Flies, it isn’t your fault. If people become savage, how can that be your fault? You cannot be held responsible for the reprehensible acts of others. Which reminds me, is Catboy finished sabotaging Evan’s site? I’d like to see somebody try do defend that! Obie? Tyler, if you feel responsible for what happened in THESE forums, then you should also feel responsible for what happened in Evan’s forums. If you think your terrible actions here caused the problems, then similarly, it follows that you must have caused Eric to sabotage Evan’s forums. Which of course, is ludicrous. You and Evan didn’t “cause” Eric to sabotage Evan’s forums. And you and Evan didn’t “cause” people to act in an angry and unfriendly manner here. Each person chooses his own actions. (by the way, Eric confessed on multiple occasions to sabotage, so… I’m not “accusing” him of anything)

Many people here somehow believe that the problems we had were caused by the younger posters. By creating too many “stupid contest” threads. By posting “worthless crap”. By being “incredibly annoying”. Yet they say nothing about the rabid hatred and anger that they display while criticizing the younger posters. This both disturbs and perplexes me to no end. It is possible to criticize or present a conflicting opinion without being a jerk about it. What if some of these people had a younger brother on the forums? But I guess empathy is in short supply here.

I have always said let the “will of the people” prevail. If the most prolific posters happen to be young, then these forums will change. The older people may not like it, but they should not start acting like two-year-olds. “99% are older than you?” Well, they sure don’t act like it.

It seems to be perfectly okay here to attack the “annoying little kids”. But God help you if you attack the attackers! They are by nature angry and unfriendly and contentious (hey, just read their posts). So, what would you expect from them? Certainly not a sense of community and camaraderie and friendship. They sure can dish out the unfriendly attacks, but they can’t take criticism at all! They start frothing at the mouth. I can’t wait to meet them in person. I doubt they would be as unfriendly face-to-face. It would be inconceivable to go to a unicycle convention and meet people who acted like they do on these forums.

Welcome back. Post whatever you want. Post as much as you want.

you have my respect Dave Lowell. Your like super good at this whole solving problems thing. Kudos to you

Yikes! I’m touched. Thank you. But I’m sure there will be many who disagree!

I apologize for using some pretty harsh words (“goon” comes to mind). It was not necessary.

We can all be friends. It was like that once before.

The internet puts up a ‘fake wall’ of security.
There is plenty of study and information about this type of behavior. And yet, it still prevails everywhere.

I agree. Seems some forget that members are REAL.
(and we remember)

“you made your bed, now sleep in it”

I’m not excluding myself either…

Words in TEXT can be interpreted in the wrong if your not carefull.

Everyone needs to remember that if you plan on going to events, you will meet the members that you may have insulted or harrased.

Unicycling is a lifetime skill.
We all will be uniing for a long time. (hopefully)


Welcome back Tyler.

Wow! :astonished: Thanks for all the awsome welcoming! Dave Lowell, you rule! I absolutely can’t wait to start posting again, but I g2g right now and practice piano… Post for ya later! :wink:

-I forgot my name…oh…wait…it’s coming back…TYLER W. COX!!!

Why does this reply scare me on what we could be in for lol:D :stuck_out_tongue:

Tyler Dubya, eh? any relation to George Dubya?

Don’t go ‘overboard’ :slight_smile:

Welcome back!

Tyler, remember, people eloquently forgiving you for past errors doesn’t amount to a mandate to flood the forums. It’s nice to see you back and trying to be more responsible, but that doesn’t mean that you should go out and post a bunch for the sake of posting.

BTW, did anyone read the non sequitor where denaea makes it onto santa’s “good list” by a .01% margin, a record for santa. Upon recieving the news, she cries “WOOHOO, MANDATE!”

A relation to George Dubya??? Well, not to start an argument, but if I was related to him I would kill myself… :wink: