I am sorry I cannot respond to all you PMs personally

I never expected such an outpouring of love and letters from the unicyclist community.

who is thinking GWB all over again? We just have to wait until he starts hating on johnfoss, then we will know

your supposed to be dead.

Wow, thats not sacreligious at all.

I am not a fan of the fake unicyclist profiles. It’s kind of annoying. Just come up with your own s/n and post your own thoughts. It’s easy.

I’d be willing to bet that this is Billy. He uses the PMs thing a lot. He likes to pretend people like him.

Just kidding, Billy. We all love you.

Christ, can’t you get your titles right? It’s not “you PMs”, it’s “your PMs”. Jesus, we’ve talked about this. Please try to do better, dear. The world has such high expectations of you.


Hey Jesus, while you’re among us I have a question for you:
Don’t you find Miss Ayelery get’s kind of sexy when she’s slightly sarcastic?:wink: :smiley:
Good to know you accept E-prayers, don’t worry about that:
you’re not supposed to answer to those prayers more than the oral ones.:smiley:

Did you leave that in there just to tempt her in to another response?

This is in dodgy taste at the best of times.
Don’t you want to pack in this alias and talk about unicycling instead?

yay for Miss Ayelery!

her text makes me hot. :roll_eyes: i miss Miss’s post post analyses.

oh and on topic, i don’t really mind the mysterious ways your father answers prayers. it kind of reminds me of how hot people can look when clothed…

… or with veiled sarcasm.

Every time I look at you I can’t understand.
Why you let the things you did get so out of hand.
You’d have done much better if you’d proof-read your work.
Billy, I can’t figure out why you’re such a jerk.

Still love ya, Miss A!

Hey now, give Jesus a break, English is not his first language.

+1 lol that is just too funny

so is it really your tomb they found