I am really fast… at least according to one of these large language models ("AI")

I was playing with Kagi (an alt search engine) new test/labs stuff, which includes Large Language Model (LLM) “AI” style searching, as is the trend these days. Anyway, since my full name is pretty much universally unique (I have only ever stumbled across one guy with a similar first and last name combo, though he spells both differently) I realised I could ego search myself. After a few test questions I got onto unicycling and asked how fast I was.

The answer isn’t totally terrible, except for the speed (I wish! :laughing:)


I am faster! :laughing:





Canapin’s unicycles can reach speeds of up to 30 mph.

Where are these speeds being conjured from I wonder?

According to Strava I’m faster! Don’t think I hit 31.6 mph on a 27.5 on 145mm cranks!!

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Yeah Strava is crazy for those little GPS blips!

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I bow before your speeds. All hail and praise be given to the speed lords of unicycling.

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