I am Legend

<sigh> S-Mart

Shop smart, shop S Mart

sorry, the years have taken a toll, I haven’t seen that movie in like 6 years.

that’s ok, but to make sure you don’t forget, you must repeat these words.


ah, but do you have an army of darkness t-shirt? I do, with the tiniest of holes in it, well worn :smiley:

I haven’t read any previous post so I’ll just say this.

The movie is definatley going to be good. Although Cloverfield looks freakin crazy!

yes that movie was also based on the i am legend book i believe.

I have three.

I bought them from S-Mart.

I think it’s a remake. I searched the trailer on youtube and in someones description there was this,

I Am Legend is an upcoming 2007 American post-apocalyptic science fiction horror film directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith. It is the fourth film adaptation of Richard Matheson’s 1954 novel I Am Legend, following The Last Man on Earth (1964), The Omega Man (1971) and the straight to video I Am Omega (2007). Smith plays Robert Neville, possibly Earth’s only survivor of a man-made virus. He works to create a cure but is stalked by nocturnal mutant survivors of the plague.

Just got back from seeing it.

I liked it a lot, went there without knowing much about the movie except what I got from the trailer, and I’ve never heard of The Omega Man.

Some good action scenes, some of them kinda scary. They also managed to make it pretty sci-fi without being overly roll-your-eyes corny, although the CG mutants were over done maybe, but it could have been worse.

I saw it last night at the Imax. Mmmm, it was good.

I wish my city had an Imax theater…

I thought it was good to. Will Smith did a good job.

My wife and I saw it today. I thought it was very enjoyable. The story is suspenseful, gripping, tense, and engaging. And Will Smith is great.

But I thought overall it lacked the reflection on the human condition that other movies of the same genre such as Night of the Living Dead, 28 Days Later, among others, have. On this account it left me unsatisfied.

I enjoyed the Bob Marley connection, though.

I saw it tonight. I thought it was pretty good up until the dog. Then it was okay. I dunno, I liked it for the most part. The comical relief bits were snazzy. :smiley:

That was my first thought after seeing the Legend trailer. Must be a 40-something thing.

Rent it.

“Soylent Green is people!!!”

No, that’s not it.

“Get your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!”

That’s not it either.

It’ll come to me.
Give me a moment.

“What’s playing at the theater tonight?”
“Woodstock? still?”

That movie.

And if you have complaints or compliments, please remember to indicate whether you’re talking about the book or the movie, as I’m sure they are two different things. I’m still waiting to see it…

i am legend

movie stinks

not like book at all

Old proverb say:
He who go to movie expecting it to be like book will end up saying…

Some movies are more like the book than others, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1973, Gene Wilder) is considered a classic while the more recent version (Johnny Depp) is considered twisted and strange. But in many ways it’s closer to the book.

I’ve seen a couple of different renditions of the book Dune done as movies. The one that was most faithful to the book was dead boring. Yawn. The much more fanciful, high-budget, 1985 version was much more interesting to watch. Neither captured the book worth beans.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory needs to be done as a cartoon to live up to the book. For Dune, it probably needs a ginormous budget and three films (or at least two), a-la Lord of the Rings.

Saw it again, and it was still good.

Look out for all the butterfly refrences.

finally saw it, and I thought it was great!

i don’t get the butterfly references though…

My favorite part (spoiler…) was when they snagged him on the bridge and he had to cut himself down