Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

Recently, as many of you have noticed, there have been several threads in this forum (JC) that have been asinine, childish and pointless. I’m probably the last person who should ask for them to stop, but, since I’m awesome, I’m going to anyway.


Nobody wants to participate in a contest with no prize and no real challenge.

Nobody wants to sign a petition that isn’t going to do anything.

Nobody wants to look at random pictures.

In addition to being pointless and wasteful of space, these threads create altercations more often than not.

JC should be full of conversation. The occasional unorthodox thread is acceptable, since it will either fail and fall off the page, or stick around but be few and far between (ei MR and Funny Pictures). Lately there have been tons of useless threads…they’ve been pushing the important threads off the first page and clogging everything up. Many good threads have been destroyed by your evil threads.

I’m getting hungry so I’ll wrap this up. As has been said many times before: Think carefully before you post about whether or not it is worth the time of hundreds of people to read what you wrote.

Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

I agree mostly, but I for one do like the random pictures thread…
but I also agree that the contests are getting way, waaay old, and any new contest threads should be taken out back and shot. And those petitions are pretty stupid, too.

Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

Very well put, you are awesome.

Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

Really??? Hmmmm…the current views are at 2240!!!

Re: Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

I’ll bet 400 of those views were you. Another 100 go to catboy and Potter. Basically, it is a lame thread, but it is the least lame of the ones I mentioned.

Seriously though kid, cut the bunk.

Re: Re: Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

could be, but I still like it…

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

LEAST LAME. Meaning more lame than some threads, but less lame than any of tylers other threads.

This is the most awesome useless thread ever!!

I just felt like posting. Hey I might go to motorama this year, and might get some people who can ride unicycle to go with me. I even emailed the police officer I talked to when my van got stolen, cause he learned how to ride unicycle, I forget if he still does, but it’s worth letting him know.

Anyways, have a good day : )


Re: Re: Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

just wait till The King Of Bunk get’s here…

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

Yes, that WAS the reference.

Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads


Obie, please flag the “important” threads so we can tell which ones are important to you. I’d hate for you to develop carpal tunnel from excessive clicking.

Edit: mistook “Hypocritical” for “Hypothetical”… still laughing.

My thoughts are: If people want to post seemingly useless threads in JC, so be it. Let them live their three days of glory and then never see the face of page one ever again.

What really annoys me though is useless POSTS. In a thread where the topic is clear and defined, people should just restrain themsleves from writting dumb comments such as: “duh…I don’t know…ask someone who cares”.

So all in all… post what you want… But try not to annoy the great Obie, for he is better than us.

(uses the force does he!)

haha…ah well, I guess all this turbo-stupidity madness will come to an end soon enough.

Finally someone understands.

He’s not better than me.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hypocritical Thread Pleading for an end to Pointless Threads

sorry, didn’t mean to spoil the gag by s p e l l i n g it out

i’ve been known to post replies indicating that i have no idea how to answer the stated question but that i’m sure that a better informed forumite would be along shortly
this i do to bump an unanswered question thread from the bottom of page one
even tho i’m not contributing to the thread by answering the question, i don’t consider it a completely useless post

but this one is


One time… at band camp…