I got this link off Slashdot.org. The World is a crazy place.
What is the world coming to… Just get a hamster…
We have two cats, suffer somewhat although not excessively from allergies, and unanimously agree that someone needs to come out with a poop-free model.
Also one that preferably doesn’t vomit or hack up hairballs, but if it does has the sense to do it on the tile or linoleum and not the damn carpet.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
But since you don’t eat the skin anyway, how come the protein is a problem?
It’s a little odd that it doesn’t give any information whatsoever as to how they manage to make these cats hypo-allergenic. do you reckon it’s through genetic manipulation, or selective breeding?
On a similar topic I heard that a bio tech company in America are offering a pet cloning service for when your little furry friend passes on…Only in America.
What a day of feline surprises this has turned out to be. This morning before I went to work, I went into the kitchen to find a cat in their which doesn’t belong to us. However on closer inspection it turned out to be our kitten who ran away about a year and a half ago, a really pretty silver tabby who goes by the name of Greebo. So I tried to coax him further into the house so I could give him a stroke and some food and make him feel at home, but I was thwarted. Our new kitten (Minnie…or Esio Trot…(we’re an indecisive family) but usually just kitten, or yargerroffoutofityoulittlebugger), who is the half sister of greebo scared him out the door where he hid under a bush.
So I wandered up to the bush and started making various “cat come here” noises but he ran off again. I turned around to see minnie sat there looking really proud of herself at having scared off Greebo…I was a tad pissed off.
Hopefully Greebo’ll come back now that he’s remembered where he used to live, and we’ll be able to welcome him back into the Johnson clan. Probably much to the consternation of our senior feline family member, Simpkin. He’s 22 now and a little arthritic and a lot blind. But still a happy chappy, and very much the undisputed head honcho of the household.
Kit (friend of cats)
I want one of those hypo-awwowgenic cats. Sywvester makes me sneeze.