Hurray! It's back!

After many months in the repair shop, I finally got my unicycle back today! I’m a unicyclist again!
Oddly enough, I broke it idling… No idea how!
What are some good ‘I broke my uni’ stories out there?

You must be a tough idler.

Glad you got your wheel back.

Go Javier! Im MRIS now :wink: I got infront of you… Better start posting in MR again.

Why was it in the repair shop for so long?

1) I don’t know if i am though. :thinking:
2) Good question there Michael.


Hawo Hazmat, Hawo Michael.


They couldnt get the right part, and when they finally did, I’d had my phone stolen and they had no way of contacting me, and then one thing led to another and time passed, as it tends to do. But now it’s back! :smiley: