Human Chain Day

Hmm…the thread about world jump day got me thinking about Human Chain Day. I think it would be really cool to link arms and make a human chain of ppl that goes around the whole world. it might be harder to link around the ocean, but where there’s a will there’s a way!

I was part of Hands Across America in 1985, with Bradley Bradley and Ken Fuchs on unicycles. There were many other unicycles scattered along the line, but the line had lots of gaps in rural areas as well. We were in Manhattan, where the thing was like eight lines thick where we were.

Well what if you made the chain around the world then shocked everybody with electricity. Everyone would feel it. Although i think the farther electricity travels the stronger it getts so there might be a few deaths in that one:o

If we kept our arms linked in a huge circle then we could generate more and more electricity… It’s the perfect way to produce enough energy to stop our dependence on fossil fuels.

Unisteve already pointed out the flaw, but I just wanted to rub it in your face that you’re wrong. The resistence in the conducting material causes the electricty to become weaker over distance. This was ultimately why They went with AC power instead of DC power for home use. It has longet transmistting distances with less loss.

Wow. Where do I begin? The spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, the theory, and the reason that alternating current is presently used for power transmission rather than direct current are all incorrect in your post.