Congrats Jason, sounds like you are well representing Canada. Are any of the roths there?
can you post all of your photos please?
Joel is from Canada too.
Indeed but I do not know joel and joel isn’t replying to this thread.
Maybe I should have been more specific and said Ottawa instead.
Yeah, I got third. I know what you mean about the heat, I guess Montana isn’t too far from Canada…
I would’ve gotten all except maybe one line I think, if I had lots and lots of time. But the heat ‘was’ getting to me.
I’m so tired, I played flaming puck hockey untill almost midnight last night, after working very hard at trials and street all day, then I was up untill 2:30 am packing unicycles in suitcases, only to get up before 6:00 am to catch a plane back home… wow.
Does anybody know who won the street comp yet? I’ll bet it was John. (gordythegon or something)
Sorry, is it John or Jon?*
My dad video taped all four of our runs, I’ll post them as soon as I get that all edited and uploaded.
- (not Jonny Peacock/Chosen BTW)
It was great. MOre stuff packed into each day than you could do. I just got home and have to deal with a water leak. I’ll post the pictures in my gallery later tonight or in tomorrow.
Forrest and the rest did great.
Forrest !!!
Forrest also won the overall MUni award!!!
I had the great pleasure to meet Forrest and talk with him on several occasions. He is absolutely a really nice young man in addition to being a great rider.
Congratulations Forrest, for a job well done!!!
I will be posting pictures in the gallery as soon as I can sort through them. My new digital camera got a real workout. I think I took more than 600 photos in the past 6 days. (I won’t post all of them.)
Yeah, way to go Forrest. I had the privilege of meeting Forrest too, and yes, he is a great guy. CONGRATS!
Yeah, I got it on video too, but as Forrest said, they are going to compete in Switzerland in July, so they ask that it not be posted on the Net. Lets just say, they are going to be AWESOME! Ryan is a very talented and nice guy to be around. He made riding look EEEEEAsy!
I agree. I started riding for the first time a couple years ago at 40. Of all the ‘types’ of uni riding (coker, freestyle, street, muni, etc.) you need a different wheel for each.
Personally, I love the dirt! I’m a member of the MUC here in Memphis (I was the one walking aroun NAUCC with the broken hand) and had several conversations with others around how to take MUni to the next level. Like MUni skill levels, more intense uphill/downhill competition, MUni-Cross, etc.
This was my first NAUCC. Frankly because it was here, but I had no idea how large this sport is. For any of you who rode Stanky Creek or the Tour de Wolf, those two trails I ride regularly evey week and have never seen more than 10 at one time on either. Usually it’s just three or four of us. But to see over 50 Muni riders from all corners here on our home trail was pure amazing!!! Hope you found them fun and challenging. Xtreme Olympics lookout!
dude forrest is crazy good…
I missed the Tour de Wolf, but the stanky creek XC race trail was a blast. I loved riding that trail, I wish I could have done it more a different time. It was a nice change too, not very hilly. In Montana most trail riding is on the side of a mountain, so your muni ride is basically one long lung-busting ride up and then ride back down.
Hey, so you made it back? How long were you there the second time?
dang, i want to meet forrest now
I didnt make it back. I came home to no air conditioning and home repairs! I looked for you before I left to say “goodbye”. Congrats on everything, it was nice to meet you!
There’s actually three trails in there. Did you do the white trail? The blue is the shortest but the hardest. I do envy you and anyone who lives out west with some extreme trail riding.
Congrats on winning the street!
Oh, did you lose a Qu-Ax black hat? Right after the trials event, I found one near the tables where you were repairing your flat. I know you ride a Qu-Ax wheel and thought it might be yours.
For the most part I only did the blue trail…
Yes, that’s my hat. I was looking everywere for whoever picked it up!
who got some video of street/trials?
and did jon get my magazine?