how'd you get into this sport?

Just curious as to how everybody, especially the under 30 crowd, got into uni-ing. I know it’s becoming a bit more popular these days, but let’s face the fact that it’s no wheres near as popular as BMX, or skateboarding; which begs the second question: How many of you started out as skateboarders or bmx-ers first, then made the “switch” to uni’s, and what motivated you? Maybe many of you still skateboard or bmx or whatever. PLease everyone tell us your story! :thinking:

This “begging the question”… I do not think it means what you think it means.

-Inigo Montoya

since when is uni popular?
actually though, this contradicts my whole uni philosiphy, i wanted to join the circus so i learned to ride one, i still want to join the circus but i dont consider the uni as a circus act, just something that got dragged into the circus.

and dude harper your avatar is distracting the whole time i wrote this post i was staring at it

Let me see if I feel badly about this…no, apparently I don’t.

I have tried every extreme sport, inline, BMX, skateboarding. When I got a uni for christmas three years ago I rode it for a while, and got bored. Fast forward to the beginning of this school year. I am about to head to college, and I figure why not brong the uni? I quickly got better, broke my Jugglegug and got a Qu-ax Trials. I have loved riding ever since.

My dad unicycled when he was a kid, but gave up. 30 years later (summer 2002) he saw an old schwinn in a pawn shop for $20 and bought it. Of course I had to learn. Rode for a year and a half or so, up and down our road every once in awhile.

Then I somehow broke the ancient seat on it, and was looking at stuff online, when I saw all the stuff people were doing on unicycles, trials, street, muni, etc. and was wowed. I had no idea. Of course I had to try, and the rest is history.

I’m sure without this very site I would still be riding up and down the road occasionally on the old schwinn, if not worse (not riding at all)

i was walking down the street and i looked in a b*ke store window and saw the uni…and i thought “wow thats kinda nifty, i think i’ll buy it” and i did! so from that day foreward i have been an unicyclist and i will always be.

it wasn’t supposed to make you feel bad, i think its cool, but like i was just telling you

the normal story… my dad unied as a kid, brought one home for christmas, i learned to ride. My dad was looking for uniing online, found this site and, and i got into the extreme uni bit.

I used to skateboard and my brother used to inline, but now we do only uni.

However, both of us have gotten into biking as a result of hanging out with bikers because of uni.

I went in the opposite direction as most people - I found this site first, and then decided to buy my uni after reading up a lot on it on the forums. I knew absolutely no one else who has unicycled before, so I’m sort of the one starting it over here. My friend is riding now too and is pretty much at my skill level, and a couple of my other friends are considering getting a couple beginner ones as well.

Without this site, I would’ve never even dreamed I’d be unicycling right now.

i saw pictures of unicycles in my dube catologue and then saw a little video of people just riding unicycles through some city at night and it looked really fun so i researched it a little bit and found MUni so i got one.

I was thinking of going to the local skateboard park in the hopes of “converting”, or at least maybe motivating some of the skaters to consider getting into uni-ing, specifically trials. That would be a great way to not only get some riding buds, but maybe even get a club going in my area. I would bring my laptop, where I’ve stored at least 2 gigs of great uni videos;mostly trials stuff, (some muni also) like Defect and Universe, which is cool because it’s kindof the same stuff they’re doing on skateboards, like grinding, jumps and other extreme type moves. Has anyone ever tried this, or do you think they will just laugh me out of the park??

I learned to ride uni as a kid, but forgot about it after getting a car. 30 some years later, over weight, out of shape, I rediscovered the uni. Then discovered the Muni sport thanks to and I am hooked. Since then I consider myself in training for Muni’ing.

(I’ve followed on the great East Coast Kent Cliff Muni trek, but I was on foot. That was excellent, I met skilled Muni-cyclist, and saw incredible riding. My god, I just realized that was over a year ago.)

Today, I alternate riding a Coker on the street and riding my 24" Nimbus Muni on the hills in the park. Still progressing, and am having a great time on these flying machines.

Yeah, maybe, but if he and enough people keep it up, soon enough it will mean what they think it means and wont any longer mean what you know it means.

By the way, I am a six-fingered man.

I think that just means that you are facinated with bright flashing colors…

I got a uni for christmas last christmas, learnt to ride BADLY. Looksed at juggling on the internet and that lent toward unicycling and realised you can grind… the vid that got me started was a vid of kevin mcmullin.


well. im a volanty youth worker, and 2 weeks ago i had to atend a community circus workshop, which was like, juggling,spinny plates, cigar boxs and unicycles. and i thought i mite give it a try, 30 mins later i was riding around the community centre.

two days laters i went on ebay to see if i coud pick up a cheapy learner uni. while i was waiting for that to be delivered, i didnt my research, i found out all the cool stuff u could do on a unicycle, encluding this website…uni came the next day, and im hooked.

i used to be/still am a pritty good skateboarder. unicycleing is gr8 for devolping advanced ballancing skills

I got into unicycling when i got bored of watching trial biking movies and so i went to gogle and put in unicycling then this site came up and so i got a lil facinated bye the videos so i started to like uni’s now so i bought a trial uni i’ll try and get some picks ok.

I’m still the lazy archivist type.

I needed a way to get to the donut shop.