How'd ya get into uniing?

I want to know how everybody got into uniing

personally, i got into it through the other members of the hell on wheel gang, and i’ve been uniing for about a month now

I had a dream one night where Tom Paine, Karl Marx, Emma Goldman, and, for some reason, Mel Blanc were all standing over my bed telling me to learn to unicycle.

How could I say no?

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

2 words… Dustin Kelm… I was at a festival and I saw him riding and thought it was cool so i tried one of his Uni’s he had sitting around. Got about 4 pedals the first 30 minutes…then my dad borrowed one from a friend and I learned. 5 months ago I got back into unicycling and learned to jump etc… and got into trials.

I read on a website that someone had solved a Rubiks Cube while idling on a uni. So I decided to learn. Once I mastered that trick, I found out how totally super awesome unicycling is.

I can remember always hearing that my Dad had wanted to learn to uni, and I remember reading an article in “Boys Life” when I was around eight or so. So now at age forty, I spotted a unicycle at a thrift shop and snatched it up. After combing the web I quickly found out I had purchased a pretty poor machine never intended for serious use. I placed an order at unicycle .com for a genuine 24 incher and road the “thrift shop special” into the ground through practice. A bent crank, bent rim, and two custom wooden replacement pedals later my new uni arrived. Although it took a few sessions to get used to a “real” ride, around six weeks later I am traveling up to 120 feet with fair control, and completeing turns. It is nice to realise my fathers dream, I hope to visit him soon so that he can watch me woble.

Man Potter… That is THE weirdest way to learn of probably anyone who will post!

That’s what I was aiming for! :smiley:

I am (although unicycling has pretty much taken over) also a mountain biker. I was watching New World Disorder which is a mountain biking video featuring Kris Holm doing lots of crazy muni and I thought, ‘Wow, that looks like a lot of fun!’. Naturally I didn’t ever imagine myself doing muni…I just wanted ot learn to unicycle. Then a friend of mine mentioned he was going to make a unicycle for ‘Tech Studies’ at school and I saved up and bought one.


David Poznanter. Well it was juggling that led me to David who turned me on to unicycling, but DAVID POZNANTER. 'Nuff said.

Our next door neighbour in York one year used to ride; we’d see him totter up and down the path outside the house occasionally. Then a year later I saw one in a juggling shop while in an impulse-buying mood… and that was it.

I remember walking back home with it, hoping no-one would ask for a demonstration… :slight_smile:

I started out wanting to learn to juggle on it, but then I found R.S.U. and discovered there were CRAZY PEOPLE out there who rode the damn’ things off road!

It was all downhill from there. Well, mostly; some of it was uphill too.


I have always, deep deep down in my mind, wanted to learn to ride an unicycle. When I was about 9 years old me and my dad (well mostly dad) tried to make an uni. We only had a old 16" bike to use so it really didn’t work because we forgot the bearings and it had a bike saddle. After that I forgot about uniing for a while, but everytime I saw an uni on telly (pretty rare) I though: “Some day I’ll learn to ride too.” So last June I saw this cheap 50€ (55$?) uni with a plastic rim and lollipop bearings, decided to buy it right away. For first couple of weeks I had no time to learn because I was in army. 4th of July 2003, my patriotic duty :roll_eyes: end so I could finally start uniing. It was just to learn how to ride but after I had learned that I wanted to do more and more. Now I own three uni’s and mostly ride MUni. Also a bit trials and freestyle.

edit. I’ve always been into these sort of ‘odd’ things, most people won’t ever learn. So I can also juggle.

Few days…

Few days after retirement through the window of the audiologists
premises (he was fitting me with a hearing aid) I saw something shining hanging in the bike shop opposite side of the road.
I went to see what’sit…It was 16’’ uni with the Savage saddle, without protective handle grips.I have bough it.
I tried it between two fences.After some 3 weeks I was doing some 30meters on the tarmac.
After about 3years I can do some 500meters without UPD.
Most of the time I can do static mount=hesitant steady gains.
All thogether the progress is very slow, but the fun and fascination is worth all the efforts.There is also hell of a lot side benefits.By now I have 9 unicycles. :smiley:

Last year I was at my wife’s Christmas party. (Her and Mrs. Sofa worked together. I think I had met Sofa briefly once before.) The conversation went something like this:
Sofa- I ride a unicycle.
spyder- Uh huh.
Sofa- We have a club
spyder- Uh huh.
Sofa- Why don’t you come out and try it?
spyder- Uh huh.
Well, I did go and try it and was absolutely hooked! With help from Sofa and Drewnicycle, I now own 2 Bedford Unicycles. (Don’t tell my wife, she thinks she owns 1!)

I saw KH on Ripley’s believe it or not, and ran upstairs to order a uni on the internet.

I typed in the browser as a fluke

The incedent Spyder is talking about was indeed our first meeting, where we discussed whether our drink was a beer, or a lager.

saw my

i saw my friend doing it i really wanted one. finally i got one for my b-dayand since then no looking back apart from backwards riding. ben

I met Duncan Castling (the guy who designed the Muni for Pashley) when he was doing one of his roadshow. It was great - Unicycling, and all sorts of types of juggling with fire!

There was unicycles to try and a bar to hold on to. Within about 30mins, I could get about 3 rotations of the wheel.

My dad then got me one from Unicycle.Uk.Com as I wouldnt shut up about them! :stuck_out_tongue:

Now my dad can also ride, which is super cool!


We always were talking about unicycles in my Mechanics of Robotic Manipulation class as the prime example of a non-holonomic manipulator, so for our final project I decided to do the mechanics of unicycle manipulation. Needless to say I needed to be able to ride a unicycle if I were to talk about the mechanics (and not just theory) of riding such a beast, so I bought one and proceeded to teach myself to ride.

The story of How I got into unicycling is an interesting one, I was a trainer for prize cocks in tijuana and one finally my day had come Gorgeous Cluck the cock I had raised from only an egg had finnally qualified to be in the champoinships and go against the dreaded El Quckamungo the Big black Rooster who was as evil as the sun in July. So the fight was on for next sunday as it was tradition for the big cock fight to be after mass. So the day finnaly came for Gorgeous Cluck to battle El Quckamungo you could tell that GC knew that something was different about today he woke early and was pacing in his cage for hours before the fight, as this was my big premier match I could not sleep the night before either. Right after mass the fight went down, it was a typical fight to start things off there were 5 or 6 matches between the ligher weight cocks and before we knew it GC was up for the title fight. He was all set and ready to go when a guy on a unicycle pulled up to the fight and was placing his bet on the match. To much of everyones dismay the guy on the unicycle was showing off doing some tricks and just so happend when they took mungo out of his cage he burst through his trainers hands and ran right into the unicycle in a spectatular crash of rider and feathers flying everywhere this would be the last fight for el quckamungo somehow the unicycle didnt kill him in the intial blow but with the stunning dismount the unicycle went flying up into the air landing directlly on the poor cock killing him instantlly. I ran over to the guy asking if he was alright, everything was fine and he insisted that I give his unicycle a try. To much dismay I tried it and since then I’ve been hooked.


Well, Chex, I think you just stole first place from me for the most original way to start unicycling.

Yeah but people might actually believe that your version is true, El Quckamungo died for nothing it seems. Damn that was one fine cock…
