not your name name
your name like mine is mynameisnotdfred
Now the storys unfold…
anyways it was at unicon this summer at the night party and me and joe drunk were dancing around gilby for being the great master of this website yeah and then i told joe i hadn’t joined so he lifted me over to the computer as you do and then made me an account still drunk he said username i said fred he said your names not fred and i said well put that so he did XD the end
I just thought of my username, my friend recently gave me a badge with one wheel wonder and a unicycle on it for Christmas! I’m going to stitch it to my hat.
My username was originated, I believe, when I was attempting to set up an account on YouTube. B.T.C are my initials. If I remember correctly, BigBtc and BiggerBtc were already taken, so I had to go superlative. Since then, I have not deviated from using it for such applications.