any ideas?
[Homophobia is an aversion to gay men and lesbians, and sometimes includes the fear that they themselves may be gay or lesbian]
any ideas?
[Homophobia is an aversion to gay men and lesbians, and sometimes includes the fear that they themselves may be gay or lesbian]
Medication taken in suppository form.
Give’em a friend he doesn’t think is. Then later tell him. That or see previous post.
Homo-on, apply directly to the forehead!
Homo-on, apply directly to the forehead!
Homo-on, apply directly to the forehead!
if someones homophobic, cut off their genitalia.
lol jk jk…
electro shock therapy? with those clamps that hold your eyes open, and the screen flashing pictures of gay pron over and over really fast.
I’d probably borrow ‘Bob’ from the Enzyte commercials. He looks like he’s leaning a little that way anyways…
“Real men take Bigot-be-Gone.”
tell them it will help them score with chicks - you don’t need to put any logic behind it, the statement will work on its own.
I’ve invented an amulet that turns red whenever there’s reason to be worried because there’s a homosexual in the area.
I wouldn’t really care if someone was gay or not, it isn’t my business, But making others watch gay porn is a little excessive!
Why treat them? Just shoot them.
Also a little excessive, think how much ammunition would be needed!
yeah, theres an anti-homosexual guy, and hes not dead yet, no one knows why.
Cathwood, the bleeding-heart liberal!
i’m not too much for the violence to some homophobics. I mean, i have a friend who just doesnt like the idea of two guys doing stuff together. Hes not violent or sexist, or publicaly against it, he just doesnt like to agknowledge that some people are bi or gay. (what i’m talking about is, he likes green day, although billie joe is bisexual, he just doesnt think about it).
hes the little bit homophobic like people who dont aprove of factory farms and slaughter houses, so they just dont think about anything like it.
Reminds me of Sting from LOTR…though I suppose orcs are more dangerous than homosexuals.
Did anyone else see this add at the bottom of the thread?
What if someone is homophobic and anti-obesity?
Then they will just have to grow up and realise that these people exist and live happy lives, just like the rest of us.
One can certainly be turned off or even repulsed by the thought of having sex with a member of the same sex, and not be “homophobic.” Even Jackie has said that he feels the same way about the thought of straight sex, and that doesn’t make him “heterophobic” lol!
So let’s not throw the “phobic” stuff around so indiscriminently. It’s almost as if some people feel that if a straight person doesn’t also want to actually experience gay sex, that the person must be homophobic!
And just to clarify more what I was [trying] to say. A gay person for example, can have an “aversion” to a straight person’s sexual preference, and vice versa; that is, something they wouldn’t engage in, but not and aversion to the person, obviously. It’s a basic, normal biological response whether you’re straight or gay.
And what one does behind closed doors is their business, as long as it’s between two consenting adults, and nobody is hurt. As someone once said, and I paraphrase, judge a person on their character and actions, not on their skin color, religion, sexual persuasion, etc.