How will you celebrate LGBT History Month (October)?

:):stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses: In the USA, it’s in October.

I will celebrate by continuing to refuse to follow unlabeled links and instead demanding an explanation for vague thread titles and randomly placed links.

I’m celebrating National Down Syndrome Awareness Month this October

It’s also

Filipino American History Month
Black History Month
National Arts & Humanities Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
Fair Trade Month
Dwarfism Awareness Month
German American Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Italian Heritage and Culture Month
Polish American Heritage Month
Celiac Sprue Awareness Month
Health Literacy Month
Healthy Lung Month
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Infertility Awareness Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Lupus Erythematosus Awareness Month
National Physical Therapy Month
National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
Rett Syndrome Awareness Month
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month
World Blindness Awareness Month
American Pharmacist Month
Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month
3D Ultrasound Awareness Month
BTM Awareness Month

Dam! I didn’t know that.

That’s a bit Dopey don’t you think?

Oh comon, don’t be so “Grumpy”. You should feel “Happy”! (but better ask Happy if he minds being felt!:p)

I’m going to celebrate MUni Weekend Month (sometimes celebrated in September).

I spent the first day of October playing Starcraft 2 for about 10 hours. I guess I’ll celebrate that way.

By celebrating something else. :roll_eyes:



I’m just glad you’re celebrating LGBT History month:p

I’ll celebrate it by greeting everyone in every situation with the announcement that I am approximately 85% heterosexual with a touch of pansexual and editing this post repeatedly.

Yeeaaahh… :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

you GO!

Well, no, I’m obviously exaggerating. I might do that if I identified myself by my sexuality, but I don’t, the same way I don’t give a shit about gender.

I might do that for TMI Thursday, though. TOO MUCH INFORMATION, ALL DAY LONG. Best day ever.

I don’t give a shit about gender. Edit: except when choosing dating partners and clothes shopping.:stuck_out_tongue: