How to Write a Typical Junior High Girl Note

Gee, and all this time , I thought Tyler was a boy.

Tyler is both a girl’s and a boy’s name in the US.

I don’t think that’s possible frankly.

why in the world would u write that ? and if you dint why in the world would someone write that ?

Boy, if the goal is to threadjack into dummness, we’re certainly on the right track.

I’ll bet you also thought she/he was only 12 years old. But he/she’s really a 35 year old computer geek who sits in mother’s basement while sniffing Magic Markers® and surfing blogs just to learn the art of unicyclist girl web blog style.

By the way, BillyTheMountain is neither a mountain nor a goat. FYI :smiley:




What are you doing awake at 5 a.m. on a Saturday morning??!

Changing my words like that is VERY CUTE! Whereever did you get such an idea?!


I think it’s going to be a while until I am on a normal schedule. I slept too much during the day yesterday so I am now not tired during the night… gotta love that jet lag.

im nearly out of jet lag whoo me! and why would i eed to wright like a girl?

nooo, you just gave him an option to escape from writing it

I am a boy

I am straight

I’m in 7th grade, which is junior high here

It was a project for school (write a funny how-to note)

I got an A

I never write notes

I know that stuff beacuse I got a few FRIENDLY notes from a girl about 2 grade levels up. Just stuff like “Hi Tyler, how’s school? You did good unicycling at the assembly…” becuase I had seen her around my neighborhood and told her about unicycling, because I was on one, and such. Because of that, she wanted to say hi when she saw me come into Jr High.

Sorry about the ugly layout; it was in nice paragraphical form when presented to the educational master.

Oh haha! I don’t know why, but that made me snort out loud.:smiley:

ok i guess that is a little bit o.k.

Well i found the essay funny and i dont think it matters if you are a boy, straight or anything else.


I didnt bother reading that…it was too long…hi.

i found that the funniest part of this thread so far


If you come on the MUni ride tomorrow will you bring a girlie note that we can read?

There, I fixed it for you.

Tyler, my original question in this thread was asked because I thought you’d copied and pasted that piece. I thought it was too well written to have been done by a grade 7 pupil. My apologies.
That was a fun piece that was well written and you deserved that A.

Please keep writing, you’re onto something.

That piece it 498 words. As an exercise, see if you can edit yourself to 400 words.
Take that to your Muni ride with Harper.