How to Write a Typical Junior High Girl Note

Hello, and welcome to this in depth course on writing a typical note from a junior high girl. If you are a junior high girl, I’m sure you have plenty of experience, unless of course you are the kind of person who spends all day analyzing the heat waves coming from the tarmac on a hot day. Let’s begin.
First, pen choice must be covered. No regular pen will work; you must have some sort of bright colored gel pen. You can find these in the pen isle of any Albertsons®, Office Depot®, Staples®, Safeway®, Costco®, or other place that ends with a little circled ‘r’ thing.
Secondly, a review of how to write with your glittery gel pen. A nice curve to every letter is preferred greatly. Make sure to make the ‘i’ dots a circle, not just a speck, as that would be far too boyish. Your ‘u’s, ‘n’s, or ‘m’s should never have the tail, just a big round curve. Be sure to avoid pointy writing at all costs, as this will seem too harsh for a young adolescent girl’s tastes.
Next, writing style – the most important aspect of a girl’s note. Remember, think happy and cheerful. This attitude can be portrayed delectably with lots of “lol”s, “rofl”s, “omg”s, and of course, “omgtbisdh” – meaning “Oh My Gosh That Boy Is So Darn Hot.” Never write sadly even if Brock, Chad, Bret, or even Bernard just dumped you. Remain cheerful always; including if you followed Casey’s concussion-inducing essay while writing your note.
In addition to how to write and what to write with, we must throw another topic at you – what to write on. Yellow or white wrinkled notebook paper gives the greatest effect. You can rip this out of anybody’s notebook while they are up to get a Kleenex®. Once you have written the note on this paper, be positive to fold it in some odd and painfully difficult way that you found on a MySpace blog. Here’s a hint about MySpace blogs while we’re on the subject: 93.2% of blog “Gurls” are really 35 year old computer geeks who sit in their mother’s basement while sniffing Magic Markers® and surfing blogs just to educate themselves on the art of girl web blog style.
Finally, you will need to learn the art of addressing and delivery. As for the addressing, always write “2: NAME, 4rom: NAME.” As for delivery, you will want to do it through another person, never by yourself. Be confident that your courier will do it very privately, as not to lose the note and reveal to the world…or junior high…who you are currently dating.
Thank you for tolerating me, and I hope your future of girly note writing is a happy cheerful and rounded letter-filled one. As a closing point – remember to never disclose the fact that you have no life; use the excuse that chatting on IM is a perfect childhood hobby.

Lol, C U l8r gRl fRend,
TilR Cawcks

Tyler, don’t take this the wrong way, did you write that?

Back when yoopers, Carol McLean, and I were in junior high we didn’t write notes. We didn’t have paper. Girls carved crude symbols in bark with rocks. Misinterpretation of figures was widespread and much confusion ensued. We pulled through somehow.

And you didn’t even have glitter-rocks?!?

No. We did have something called “Get her” rocks though.

Did that eventually become contracted into the ‘ghetto’ word I hear used by Junior Highers so often nowadays?

That sounds exactly like today, except that the bark & rock has been exchanged for pen & paper.

More like cellphone and email…

OOOOoooohhhh. The wallet busters. Ouch.

Hey you were lucky! when I was in the equivalent of junior high there was no such thing as a girl around! (absolutely true!) … I had to wait for the university to work with this strange breed!

i laughed at that. :slight_smile:

Bark and rocks? Wasn’t this back before life emerged from the sea? I thought you just spelled things out with kelp.

bored, are we?

In those days, any form of sex education (if you could call it that) was carved into even softer stuff, resulting in even more confusion. :smiley:

Sounds like maybe Tyler received a note. :roll_eyes:

Great, now I feel old too.

that’s my favorite part

Hey tyler, dont take this the wrong way (or maybe you can if you want to but) are you a homosexual?


im thinking tyler recieved a note also, but i thought he was still in elementary school, whats up with that,
and i also thought he was gonna try to stop the useless posts,does anybody else remember him saying that?
cause not only did this post waste my time, but i think it made me dumer