How to Use Your/You're/Yore

How to Use Your/You’re/Yore

Lately, this seems to be a MUCH needed tutorial. It’s rated “easy” so check it out. The entire thing is about 100 words long.

Your dumb. :angry:


‘ur’ fits all ur needs, n00b.

Dang, I fergot about ur. Wat a n00b eye m. Sheesh.

Well, ‘ur’ and ‘yore’.

I always learn from Harper’s posts. Today I learned that yore is involved in the your/you’re confusion. I’ve never heard that until just now.

Yew need to stop trying to correct hour grammar.

I agree with the dude that has a sock.
Your dumb.:stuck_out_tongue:

that was the worst 100 words i have ever read

“Yore” is a word that Harper uses regularly when telling tall tales about his youth and the days of yore.

That should be, “You’re dumb”.

Matt was joking, hehe

I never heard of confusing “your” or “you’re” with “yore”.

“Your” does not rhyme with “yore”. “Your” rhymes with “sewer”. “Yore” rhymes with “fore”.

There must be some dialect where “you’re” rhymes with “fore”. Are there anyone here who are “Henry Higgins”-ish enough to know where the dialect is from?

How about confusing “fish” with “sex” because the words sound the same in some British accent. I can’t even imagine an accent where “fish” and “sex” would sound similar. That could make ordering at a restaurant kind of awkward.

Waiter: “So will you be having the fish?”
Woman: “Sorry, not my type”

I find that Verizon’s IVR has trouble whenever I say, “You stupid motherfcker, connect me to a fcking person now or I’m going to come down there and kick your* goddamn ass. Then you’re* going to be sorry! You punk ass douchbag, you make me wish for days of yore* when people answered the freakin’ phone.”

It always says, "I’m sorry I didn’t catch that. Please say, ‘“Billing”, “Sales”, “Technical Support”, or “I don’t know”’.

*Note on-topic correct usage of your/you’re/yore.

“Your” rhymes with “sewer”? Really? Is that “sewer” as in drainage or “sewer” as in seamstress I wonder?

Either way, not in any local accent that I have heard so far.

And as for the iphone confusing “fish” with “sex”: I did warn people that no good at all would come of kids typing into these phones using “textspeak”. The gadgets, after years of being taught language in these modern ways, are beginning to fight back. I predict further txt based disasters. :wink:

I grew up in South Dakota. When I speak, “your,” “you’re,” and “yore” all sound fairly similar.


I can imagine some people may pronounce “you’re” like sewer (drain). It sounds like just a contraction of the literal “you are”, to “you” and “rrr”.

Pronouncing “your” like sewer (drain) is also believable - some American accents I’ve heard tend to add extra syllables into words, making single-syllable words into two (such as “ben” pronounced “bee-yen” or bear as “bay-er”, so I can imagine your as “you-er”). In fact, I think some Welsh and northern English accents (Newcastle?) may say something like that for “your” - sort of “yoo-a”.

Oi’ve never heard anybody say it loik that round yer though - where Oi be from “you’re” sounds the like “your” and “yore”, you all speak funny.

What annoys me more is when people confuse “then” and “than”.


That would be “sewer” as in drainage. I think the seamstress “sewer” would be pronounced like “so-er”

Then again, some people probably say “yo-er”. :stuck_out_tongue:

… never mind … :thinking: