how to true a wheel ... as seen by a cartoon

(after all other people have been talking about movies on this forum)

If you want to know how to true a wheel, go and see an hilarious cartoon
about cycling (and other things): "les triplettes de Belleville "
this belgian-canadian-french-czech film is becoming a
“silent blockbuster” (e.g. people flock to the theaters without the producer
spending a cent on ads)

will it be translated into english? hardly possible since there are only 3 sentences uttered in the whole film :wink:
(including one where General DeGaulle urges the french people to
attend “le tour de france”!)

hope it will meet a great success in all cycle-loving countries
from Colombia to Burkina-Faso!


P.S: is this film now playing in Canada? (after all it’s also canadian)