how to relax when cycling (newby)?

Actually I learned young, went away for awhile and hopped back on in my mid 50’s.

As to a write up I may do that but it would be from the perspective of someone who is there more for the convention/clinics/vacation/pub crawling perspective then as a serious competitor. We had to change our original plan of driving out to flying so instead of bringing my stable I can only brig my trusty equinox street.

Thread unhijacked and back to your original question gschwind11

I do not have the Chris Holm book in front of me but he talks about sitting up straight, engaging your core and trying to relax every muscle that is not needed at the time. This makes a big difference for me and I will mentally chant this in my head sometimes when I am getting tired or struggling.

As to turning, I still to this day turn smother to the left then the right. I know it is not what you want to hear but seat time is the secret. Hang in there you are doing great!