How to Pronounce Koxx 1.

Just wondering, cuz people look at me funny when I say it… Is Koxx said like cocks, or cokes, or… Not that it really matters, I’m not sure if I even know anyone around town who would know what it is…

I understand it’s a european name(?), so who knows how poorly I might murder it, being just a dumb Canadian. lol

I always pronounce it “cocks” (hehe, cocks), but it’s French so it could be pronounced like “kou`z” or “kaourtizzsxismonkey” or something. If anyone pulls you up on your mispronounciation(?) of it, I’d kick 'em and run like hell.

yeah i say it as koks or cocks and with the one at the end.

i dont know how else you would say it

i call it koxx one

but seriously, like the chicken type of cock

hee hee hee

cocks one - thats how i say it

and how do you pronounce qu-ax

I pronounce it Q-Ax, but ive heard people say quax(like ducks say quack)

I say koxx like cocks(chicken) and I speak fluent french so that sounds right to me.

quakxs or qu-ak-xs


cocks one


koxx = cocks

qu ax = co axe

cocks wunn

cue acks


but how do you pronounce “Kris Holm” lol

Koxx1 = Cocks-one
Qu-Ax = Cue-Axe

Kris Holm, I usualy say just that, but sometimes Ill say Kris Holmes, Holms, Holmz, ect… I try not too, but it just happens.

Ha Ha!

If a new member of the forums came and saw this, they would think that us lot are insane! lol!

Mind you, we also ride around on one wheeled bikes!

Rock on!

That’s how I pronounce it.

hee hee hee…

you said…

Qu ocks = Qu-ox
cacks = Kaxx

i dont really know why… but ive always pronounced qu-ax as “kwa-ox”… oh well
