How to konw that you are a Uincycoloholic?

When you dodge your head to miss one of the hanging unicycle seats, and whack your head into one of the other ones.

When you forget why people are staring at you and pointing.

When you pretend to have a large orange juice for breakfast, but your family and friends all shake their heads because they know it has a unicycle in it. You’re fooling no one.

When your girlfriend/wife/fiancee finds out you said this and dumps you and you are to depressed so to get away from the world you to unicycle to re leave stress.

when everything on your christmas list envolves unicycling

Hahaha that’s why the first thing I always ask guys is if they ride unicyles! If no, I think 5 times before I date him! If the answer is yes, it’s like… love at first sight! UHAUAH

You get into oneupmanship about the amount the amount of unicycles in your garage :smiley:

When your unicycles outdoes the number of fingers and toes you have x3.

Wow! You have a garage?!

When your bedroom has five or more unicycles in it.

Haha my car is full of unicycles… shame it’s only a mini.
The Muni has the back seats, the 20" has the passenger seat up front and I have the drivers seat :smiley:

You know you are a Uincycoloholic when you look at your loved one and only see a unicycle with the seat that seems to be to talking to you.

You own 1 of my most favourite cars of all time. That’s awesome. :astonished:

thank you lol