How to konw that you are a Uincycoloholic?

Give ways as strange and true (and of course, funny) as you can to know that you are addicted to riding your uni, for example:

-when you start treating people in the street like obstacles
-when the crossroad becomes a challenge (only white)
-when you have more uni vids then family photos

When every time you’re out walking you’re checking out the terrain for Muni.

It’s already available

Have you ever felt you should cut down on your unicycling? Yes No
Have people annoyed you by criticizing your unicycling? Yes No
Have you ever felt guilty or bad about unicycling? Yes No
Have you ever had to go unicycling first thing in the morning to steady
your nerves? Yes No

Score 1= mild problem
Score 2= moderate problem
Score 3= severe problem
Score 4= president of the UNICON

if feel yourself like an idiot while walking

You post unicycling-related threads in Just Conversation.

when you try to idle, go SIF or unispin on a bike.

This will tell you!

When you suddenly get the urge to uni at 9 pm when it’s snowing outside

When you ride at night in below freezing temperatures with shorts and a t-shirt on and you still manage to sweat.

When you have an avatar of yourself on your unicycle.

when you can’t walk straight due to inner thigh chafe.

When you walk as if you are pedalling.
When the dog is a high jump bar in disguise (kidding)
When you practise still stands in the kitchen while people are making food

1)When your motto is “Anything with more then 1 wheel is not or will never be fun at all”.
2) When you look at a person/s riding a bike and think “what’s with the training wheel”
3) When you look at a person riding a tricycle and think “what’s with the 2 training wheels”
4) When you complete this test that my good friend Scott posted.


5) When you realise that walking is primitive/ancient. That when you see someone walking on the footpath/park/shops/etc. You demand they buy a unicycle to free you from the torturing pain you are feeling inside.

When your garage is so full of unicycles that you can’t fit your car in.

When you take one of the two back seats out of your car to make it easier to put the uni in and take it out.

If you’ve ever started a sentence “Someone on the uni-forum-site said…” and you’re talking to your significant, other.

you know…

If your mother tell’s you to stop taking the dog with the uni, and learn to walk

When you post on this websight at least once a day, often much more.

I forgot how to walk after about a whole day’s worth of unicycling, I hit the corner of the couch and fell on the floor.

My dog acts the same around me while riding as while walking.


Moderate Problem, lol. I wouldn’t call it a problem but whatever. And for the steady my nerves one. I once woke up and went straight out to unicycle to make sure I could still do a trick I only landed once the day before. lol.

When your long time girlfriend/wife/fiancee is talking to you and all you can think about is…“Man, i would break up with her to go unicycle.” and at the same time, picture her as your favourite unicycle too also.