How to justify my next unicycle purchase...

Benford’s Law “states that in lists of numbers from many real-life sources of data, the leading digit 1 occurs much more often than the others.”

Clearly, since I have two cars and four bikes, according to Benford’s Law I must have more than four unicycles to preserve the natural order of the universe! :smiley:

much more…much implies a good amount more, at least 50 percent more

you should get two more

9 sounds like a good number to shoot for:D
Oh, and dont forget magura brakes for the KH29 ( I just got a set and very nice on the steep off road )

9 is reasonable. 15 is crazy. No wait. 15 is kooky. 16 is crazy.

Unicycles justify themselves

No truer words have ever been spoken.

So what’s Bedford’s Law?

Bedfords Law: Please buy all of your Uni supplies from me!:stuck_out_tongue:

Or you don’t have enough, until you have more than me.:smiley:

So true…he has a Million!!!