How to improve the sport of boxing

Back in the day, 70’s (sigh), I had my share of the lime light as a champ amateur boxer. The pay off was attention from friends, girls, and fellow fighters. I did not get 180 M$. I did get free passes to keg parties and gang respect, but in my heart I knew I wasn’t that good, and quit the ring at 19.

Anyway, (please play Springseins “Glory days”) in the back ground while you read this. Here’s the link.

Anyway, I had a lot of clout in the gang back then. When it came to fighting, I got to make the rules. Not just because I was the only one who owned 2 pairs of boxing gloves (really, why buy just one pair ?), I was a showman and knew how to sell a fight, and get the best crowd.

Before I would promote a swamper (my gang was the swampers) fight , we needed lead time to get girls, the whole gang together, the word out, and pop corn. We had everything.

Except refs. And millions of $. I solved the problem of no refs with the one round rule. The crowd decides if one fighter has cheated. But basically, when you stepped into the circle as a swamp fighter, you knew you would leave a winner or a loser. the only way to leave was to quit or win. There was only one round, some took 15 minutes, others seconds, but they always ended with a decisive decision.

I doubt the one round format would have changed the out come of Mayweathers last fight, but it may have made it more interesting. In a real fight you don’t get saved by time.

This thread seriously explains so much.

Most people golf because you can continue to drink and smoke while playing. It doesn’t interfere with your life. Maybe they could improve boxing the same way.

Billy, you are so irresponsible

Surely you must know that the point of boxing is to knock your opponent down.
So what then if he spills his drink ? Do you want that on you ?

I don’t mind punching people in the head, but we have to draw the line on alcohol abuse. Kids will be watching.

Where I came from, we had class. To punch someone in the face without giving them time to put down their beer is just uncivilized. Immoral even.

And although I often criticize smoking, I think smashing the cig into someones face with my fist could be misinterpreted. People might miss the message that I was concerned about their health care. So no Billy. No and no.