Back in the day, 70’s (sigh), I had my share of the lime light as a champ amateur boxer. The pay off was attention from friends, girls, and fellow fighters. I did not get 180 M$. I did get free passes to keg parties and gang respect, but in my heart I knew I wasn’t that good, and quit the ring at 19.
Anyway, (please play Springseins “Glory days”) in the back ground while you read this. Here’s the link.
Anyway, I had a lot of clout in the gang back then. When it came to fighting, I got to make the rules. Not just because I was the only one who owned 2 pairs of boxing gloves (really, why buy just one pair ?), I was a showman and knew how to sell a fight, and get the best crowd.
Before I would promote a swamper (my gang was the swampers) fight , we needed lead time to get girls, the whole gang together, the word out, and pop corn. We had everything.
Except refs. And millions of $. I solved the problem of no refs with the one round rule. The crowd decides if one fighter has cheated. But basically, when you stepped into the circle as a swamp fighter, you knew you would leave a winner or a loser. the only way to leave was to quit or win. There was only one round, some took 15 minutes, others seconds, but they always ended with a decisive decision.
I doubt the one round format would have changed the out come of Mayweathers last fight, but it may have made it more interesting. In a real fight you don’t get saved by time.