My friend made a joke website to mess with people, and i kinda wanna hack it to mess with him. So if any one can teach me it’d be great. This is the site’s url
Even doing this to a friend as a joke is a serious crime. You are not hacking a friend’s site… you are hacking the servers. I don’t think they would appreciate it.
the site probably has some write ups, or just google it.
You figure out his username and password and change the information.
THen, once you know his password his online banking password is probably the same. As with his email and everything else.
Why don’t you just log onto every account he has and screw his life over forever!
He probably won’t like it, until you tell him it was really you and just a joke.
April Fools day is coming up
get his blogspot username and password and you’ve "hacked your friend and not the blogspot servers, LOOPHOLE (kinda but not really… what I told you is not technically not hacking by the way, it’s stealing your friends userrname and password to mess with his head, and is therefore stealing not hacking but also illegal…)
You should have sent him here: Hack This Site
ok. firstly get a brute force program. get it on the beefyest pc you know. i like cain and abel. or http brute forcer. google them. then learn to use them. brute forcers work by trying every possible password combo. on a proper random password they can take in excess of 100 billion years. the problem you will have is, the server logs every attempt to access the account ie. sign in. when one ip address tries to access the account around 5-6000 times or so something is obviously wrong. if your lucky thell disable the account. if ur unlucky they could contact you isp and get your details and charge you.
basically your best bet is to pay someone, or put on a voice, and call up saying that your such and such from the website hoster and you need to get their details for blah blah. if they believe you, you have their password etc. call up the company to get the specific procedures that they get you to go thru. tape and playback any adds that they play when your on hold etc. you could alternately send a fake letter from the company etc. get a real letter to copy.
didnt hear it from me…
There’s always phishing.
IF anything, just look up familykeylogger on google, download it, and have him use your comp to sign on or anything, or put it on a flash drive and put it on his comp.
Such shocking naughtiness from (some) respectable members of the forum!