How snug should snug be?

i’m currently looking for a skating helmet. My head is 60cm. All the helmets around here are xl, which is supposedly for 59-60cm heads but they all just seem too tight. I have never really worn a helmet, is this how it should be? Like…when I tried on those xls…they weren’t uncomfortable…but they weren’t exactly comfortable either LOL.

Does anyone carry XXL?

See a head shrinker. I guess you could DIY, but it might be a bit difficult.

Good luck!

its amazing what shit you can find online haha

You could just cut your hair, worked for me.

Went from XXXL to XL :stuck_out_tongue:

The helmet should be comfortable. If it is not comfortable in either size don’t get it. You will be more likely to wear a comfortable helmet than an uncomfortable one.

I was not able to find a skate helmet that fit so I went with a ski/snowboard helmet.

Bring back the dreads.

My rule of thumb: Your face should be blue 10 minutes after donning and strapping on a helmet. Sooner…too tight. Later…too loose. By the end of a ride your ears should bleed but not profusely.

I knew I was doing something wrong! It took weeks to recover from amnesia after the last crash!