This is how skate video’s are made.
That second fall looks painful…
Is that kid retarded? He must be now after all of those falls with no helmet.
falls always look more pain full then they acctualy are. dam thats a high drop im suprised he did it
I noticed he “slaps” the ground with every landing… that’s a good way to mitigate the forces involved with falling. The same technique is taught in the dojo when learning judo falls. Simple, yet powerful!
How did he not break his legs? thats like 12ft
12 ft isn’t bad… I suspect he’s a bit taller than you.
why would taller matter?
that’s true, if you put as much weight on your hands when you land as your feet, it’ll only be half as much for both so won’t hurt nearly as much.
the taller you are, the more length your body has to absorb the shock in. it’s kinda proportional. if a 3 ft tall person drops off of a 12 foot high thing, it’s 4 times his height. if a 6 ft tall person jumps off of a 12 ft tall thing, it’s only twice his height. Though there’s more to it than that because of gravitational acceleration and such, that’s one example.
It was impressive - and a lot of fun to watch – but I think there might have only been about 5 attempts. It looks like a couple of falls were replayed over and over. Anybody else see that?
Still, he’s very good. I would only get up there to clean the gutters. Since his house doesn’t have any, I guess I’d have no reason to be up there.
what an idot…
he should try it on a unicycle
thats alot safer…
i did notice that lol
During the first drop, I was thinking, man, this is going to end badly. But then he kept going! That takes serious cojones!
It’s actually more like 10ft. The hose real is 32 inches, I have the same one.
Gotta love all those stupid stunt doubles.
hey, I didn’t notice that…so that’s how sk8 vidz are made!! only one skater per scene, because people die right after attempting.
I didnt think he was ever gonna make it, yeah, he should have had a helmet for that crap!